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Moderators only?

Moderators only?

I suppose this is more of a bug report/point of curiosity than a topic but as I was unable to find a report issue button (though, admittedly, I didn't look very hard) I figured I'd just post it. 


While nosing about my profile page I came across the page below. Now I have no idea whether 'Moderators only' applies to changing Login names in general, to having access to User ID's, to the changing of User ID's (god knows why you'd ever want to do that) or to some other arcane feature that I'm missing but either way this strikes me as something a normal user shouldn't be seeing. 


My civic duty performed I am left with but a single query: Will I break the internet if I change my own Login name? 







3 Replies

No - I have changed my username many times. I think it is an old phrase ๐Ÿ˜‰

Aw man, the mere thought of holding the life and death of the interwebz in my hands was intoxicating. Ultimate cosmic power!


More to the point: if this is all working as intended security-wise then this is just a random remark concerning a weirdly named form. 

I think it just a left over from original settings - Or maybe our own custom settings relating to username change. But at present, the only people who change your username would be any of the moderation team, or yourself. 

Airhorn Enthusiast

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