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Previously I had a premium subcription in Malaysia and now i would like to share the premium for family subcription in Singapore and i am told that my account needs to be same as in the same country - Singapore. In the same time i know you cannot switching country while you are having a premium subcription account.


Please advise & help.


Thank you




5 Replies

Hey @Eugene82,


In this case, it's better to delete your payment info before changing countries. You will still be Premium until the remaining days of your subscription are used up.

What I'm suggesting you to do is this:


1. Go to your Subscription page.

2. Click UPDATE DETAILS. If it shows below 'Would you like to cancel your subscription?' click there and cancel.

3. Check the box to 'Remove', and click 'Change' button,

Note: If you have your Premium active you won't be able to remove your payment info. That's why it's important to cancel before clicking UPDATE DETAILS.
After you've removed your payment info, change your country in profile to Singapore, and resubscribe to Family Premium with the new card info to ensure that your offline music won't be deleted and that your subscription will renew correctly when it's time.
Your payment card country must match your country in profile, and the country of your IP address.
Hope it helps. 🙂
osorniosSpotify Star
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Hi there,


I think there are requirements for you to add members on your Premium for Family.


To invite someone to a sub-account on your Premium for Family subscription, they must:

  • Reside at the same physical address as you.
  • Be a Free user, or a Premium user who purchased their Premium directly from Spotify.

More info you can find on this web page.

Hey osornios,

Thank you for your promptly reply. I thought the same way, that is why i cancelled my subcription and i was told my premium account will last till 28th October.


Is there any way that i can get rid of it fast? I am invited to share the premium family account in Singapore....not sure what i should do 😞



Hi Aglee,


Thank you for your reply.

I am invited to join premium for family in Singapore, that is why i am thinking to change my premium account in Malaysia to basic account in Singapore and i can upgrade my account by accepting the invitation to join premium for family.


What shoud i do? if there any number i can call to help?



Hi there,


You can get in touch with Spotify in their Contact form and request to stop your subscription. You can also ask for assistance in accepting the Premium for Family invitation.

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