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Music Unavailable

Music Unavailable

Hey everyone,

I uploaded my 5 songs through CDBaby and only one of them is unavailable for playback. Has anyone experienced this issue? Is there a quick fix? I already submitted a ticket with Spotify but our song is being featured on playlist this weekend and I want to resolve the issue asap... Thank you in advance!

Artist name: Teenage Wildlife
Song: "You"
9 Replies

Hey @Flexlutherr! Thanks for your post in the Spotify Community!


I've taken a look at your album and it looks like all tracks are available to me:

If you are still having issues, could you send over a screenshot of how things are looking on your end?


Thanks, take care! 🙂

HuboSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Thanks for the quick response! I attached screenshots of what's going on on my end when I try and play the track "You"


Hey @Flexlutherr!


Hmm, that's odd. Could you let me know the country your Spotify account is registered to? You can check that here


Keep me posted! 🙂

HuboSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

USA it reads

Hey @Flexlutherr!


Hmm, the track should be available on your device and in the USA. Could you try to do a quick log out and log back in for me? That should help! 🙂


Have a great day!

HuboSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Tried that too 😩
No dice

Hey @Flexlutherr!


That's definitely odd. Let's get to the bottom of this one. Could you try to do a reinstall with these steps? Also, could you check if this happens on other devices as well? 


Thanks for your patience! 🙂

HuboSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

It worked!!! Thanks so much you are fantastic!! 🙏

Hey @Flexlutherr!

Great to hear you've got things working again! Good luck with your album release. I really enjoyed it! 🙂 Let me know if there's anything else!


Keep rocking!

HuboSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

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