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My account has been wiped...

My account has been wiped...

Hello. I made a Spotify account through my Facebook maybe a year ago. I had saved at least 150 starred songs on it. I made another new account through e-mail and accidentally linked it to the same facebook I had been using for my main account. Now all my starred tracks are gone since I disconnected the wrong account and re-connected back through my facebook. Is there any way to retrieve them? I'm really upset I lost all of them. When I search for myself, I can see all my playlists except the starred ones. How can I acces that account?

8 Replies

Hi there, and welcome to the community!


Your best bet would be to contact customer services using the Support Form 🙂



Thank you for the response. I used the support form but only got an automated response re-directing me back here... I contacted them two days ago (not yesterday as the forum is saying) so I assume I would've had a response by now. Heres what I sent them: 


I had a main Spotify account linked to my Facebook for about a year or two. I used the same account on my phone. I made another account using a different e-mail on the mobile app. I wanted to find a way to follow my starred playlist so I can have all my songs on my phone (at least for the 48 hours). I wasnt sure what to do so I linked the new account up to my facebook on accident. I unlinked them and logged back into my main account, but now all my starred tracks and playlists are gone. I was able to find my old account by going to an old playlist I used to follow (it still showed I was following it). I can  see all my old account's playlists EXCEPT the starred playlist. Is there any way to retrieve the starred list from my old account? I would be very disappointed if I lost all those tracks I'd accumulated over the years."


The case number is 

 # 00921791


Now what?

@KaylaKuris - Did you get a response to this? 


If not, can you post back and I will escalate it to the team for a reply for you. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Nope, didn't get a response. Thank you very much!

@KaylaKuris wrote:

Nope, didn't get a response. Thank you very much!

I'll escalate this now 🙂



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I have the same problem! My account got wiped and there was another one with the numbers 1269303600 😕

How do I get my other account back do you know?

@laurascool - If you get in touch with the customer services team directly using the online contact form they will be able to help you get back to your original account. 

If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.


Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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