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Plan duo

Plan duo

Actualmente vivo en usa y mi esposa en colombia por trabajo. Quiero comprarse el servicio para ambos con plan dúo. Me sirve para ambos? Ella estando allá y yo aquí? Cómo puedo hacer?

1 Reply

Hey @Jean27981, thanks for reaching out to the Community!

Hope you don't mind me replying in English.

Premium Duo is available for two people that are living in the same household. Since your wife isn't living with you at the moment, she won't be able to share the same plan as you until she returns.


There is more information on how Premium Duo works here. When you're ready to upgrade to Premium Duo, you can purchase it here.


Hope this clears things up. Let me know if you need help with anything else!

Billy-JSpotify Star
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