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Premium Account - Not working on PC


Premium Account - Not working on PC



Just purchased a Premium Subscription and unfortunately does not appear to have been picked up buy the Application however the Spotify website says its Premium and my bank has confirmed the payment 


Now the previous trouble shooting I have attempted is:

1) Log out, Log back In

2) Log out Force closes services etc, Log out of Facebook - Start up log back in

3)Clear Cache

4) Restart machine,

5)Pull hair in frustration ,have a coffee 

6)Confirm card details on site. Confirm payment from bank

7)Repeat Steps 1 through 3 again

8)Have another coffee

Any further pro tips I am missing???


Accepted Solutions
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David, beer time?





View solution in original post

21 Replies

Hey there!


Welcome to the Community, I hope that you enjoy your day.


There might be a duplicate account created by you in system.


I escalated this ti right people, so you should get answer very soon.


If you have any firther queation, just ask. We are here to help!


Just looked at your account and I can confirm that Premium up and running. Might be a little bit of lag - Although it might be that coffee 😉 I'd recommend a tea.

But joking aside - It should appear on your account soon.
Airhorn Enthusiast

Thank you kindly sure i am going to enjoy my time here


Its a very good forum 😄 , sure didn't want my first post to be in this sense but hey it is what it is 😉


very usful tips and tricks in the forum ,done marvalous work on it. Just as the App creators. It is an extremely comprehensive libary of music. Hound Dog Taylor for example almost imposssible to find, got the premium subscription on that fact alone

Ive just paid for the Premium service so I can listen to music on my mobile. Does anyone know how long it takes to activate? It still prompts me to buy Premium when I try to listen to a track???


Thank you 😄


Extremely Helpful, If only I could get my helpdesk team to as quick to respond to your level of support, I doubt i would ever recieve emails from the client 😄


Looking forward to sporting the playlist i made in offfline mode to implement a Server build that will ruin my day haha. Either way time for a cup of tea 😉

I'm in the same boat.  Purchased premium, mobile app hasn't realized it, even after a reinstall.  I'll wait patiently. 

Hey there!


Thank you for feedbacks. Hopefully server is up and running in full mode very soon!


Those problems are very random at server end.

Same here. PC can stream fine but when I try to use "High Quality Streaming" it says this is a Premium Exclusive Feature and shows a link to upgrade. When I click on the link it confrims that I have already purchased the Premium Account. Guess I will go forage in the kitchen a bit to take my mind off of it for a while...

Hi again,


You will pleased to know that i an confirm Android Device is picking it up ok (still no love on the PC) but at the very least that will keep me from going postal haha.




Just had a quick look at all your accounts - You all have Premium.

Generally the timeframe for applying Premium to your account is pretty instant. However, every once in a while we experience a little lag with getting Premium on your account. In the worst case, we have seen this last for a few hours - but hopefully things will be up and running soon.
Airhorn Enthusiast

Hey 🙂


Try logging out and back in a few times on the desktop, sometimes it takes a little bit of encouragement when their are server issues.



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hey there!


With desktop client you might want to try a easy trick from File -> Log out and then Log in back.


You may need to do this more than once before Spotify recognise your updaate when server problems.

How rude of me to forget that. Too much typing today.
Airhorn Enthusiast
Marked as solution

David, beer time?





It is for me 🙂 busy day! 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Oh the joys of modern technology 😄


X-Series Servers? those things make my day a pleasant experience hahaha 


Though must say Awesome support

Just so you know almost tempted to selct "Beer time as solution hahaha"

@DavBate wrote:

Just so you know almost tempted to selct "Beer time as solution hahaha"

Shame it wouldn't be a worthwhile solution for the underage community members!



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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@hpguru wrote:

David, beer time?





Well, it is friday... 😉 Steve's the beer expert, maybe he has a recommendation for these pre-Premium blues. 




We'll post any further updates on this matter here.

Airhorn Enthusiast

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