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Premium account hacked

Premium account hacked

My premium account has been hacked/overtaken.  The associated email address and password are no longer mine, although I can log in with Facebook still.  I've sent a few messages to Spotify help, but haven't recieved any replies.  

15 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


It is possible the replies from Spotify have been going to the changed email address. Try using this form instead and be sure to reply directly to any automated email replies you get which will push your case to an advisor. 


Also if you post your case number here I can ask someone to chase it up for you. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Case number:    00741560

Thank you for the help! 


I have asked someone to make sure that gets answered asap for you. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Thanks beatburger. Please keep an eye on your inbox.

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I have the exact same problem, I hope it's ok for OP that I leave my story and details here;


A few days ago I couldn't log into my premium account (which has been working flawlessly since 2009 using the same password).
A password reset yielded no result.

After login in to Spotify webpage with using my Facebook credentials, I see that the e-mail address associated to my account has changed. My phone number was also changed. This explains why password re-set did not work as re-set mail from Spotify goes to the unknown e-mail address.


I'm not sure I've been compromised though because when I log in to the Spotify web player I see a completely different set of playlists than my own. A long list of French lists; this is peculiar as the unknown e-mail address associated with my account is also French. It's an address on the '' domain.


I suspect that something has gone wrong on the service/backend side of Spotify and that my account has partially been merged with another account. My greatest fear is that all my playlists are gone; I've spent hundreds of hours on those..


I've created two separate support cases for this issue. Each time Spotify support answers in a fair amount of time, but when I reply to the Spotify support e-mail (I've sent numerous replies for both support cases) it's dead silent. No reply at all.


I have no support case numbers, only references:


Hope you can help me as well Peter or Robbie


Edit: clarified on the unknown e-mail address domain

Hey Pedro 🙂 


On those email references you posted, do you see a case number? Its normally in the subject line beside a #. 

I am going to escalate this to the team directly for you too 😉 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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That sounds good, greatly appreciate the effort.


I'm sorry, there doesn't seem to be any case number in th e-mail replies from Spotify support. The two subjects are:

'Reset password [ ref:_00DD0pxIW._500D0QKx7E:ref ]'
'Reset password [ ref:_00DD0pxIW._500D0QKe4H:ref ]'


If it's any help, I can post the e-mail replies from Spotify supoprt in it's full here?

Nah don't worry about it, hopefully the support team will be able to change them down for you without the case numbers 😉 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Pedro80 - don't worry, I've made sure your case is in the queue. You should be hearing from us shortly (though with cases such as this it can take a little while to respond whilst we investigate things).

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I have the exact same issue, except my playlists appear to have been replaced with german ones instead of french, my case # is 


@Bewinged wrote:

I have the exact same issue, except my playlists appear to have been replaced with german ones instead of french, my case # is 


When did you create this case? I'm not seeing it in the system just yet.

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Ca 15 min ago

Turns out I can log in through facebook, still can't change my email though since I'm lacking the current password, any updates? The person who hacked me appears to be using the email adress "".


If you are able to look at the history of the account it should be obvious that it's been hacked as the email adress and password has been changed, and after years of using this same account I doubt my year of birth would have suddenly changed from 1990 to 1998.


Are you atleast able to temporarily freeze the account since it's tied to my VISA card?


Your case is in the queue and the payments team will get back to you asap. Thanks!

Check out our Twitter for the latest updates on any service issues: @Spotifystatus

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Thank you.

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