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Premium to Free - will my playlists be deleted?

Premium to Free - will my playlists be deleted?

What happens to my Playlists when downgrading from Premium to Free... Will they be deleted?

3 Replies

Nope! Your playlists should just stay exactly the same. Although you won't be able to take them with you on your phone anymore.
Airhorn Enthusiast

What happens if you signed up using a cell phone? Will it all be gone after the 48hr premium trial?

@Alicat_0211 wrote:
What happens if you signed up using a cell phone? Will it all be gone after the 48hr premium trial?

Hey 🙂 


If you do not purchase premium after your 48 hour trial is over, your account will revert back to Spotify free and you will not longer have access to your playlists on mobile devices. If you are a Spotify US customer, you are allowed access to the mobile radio feature for free on iOS and android devices, but it you are in any other location then you need premium to use any Spotify mobile feature. 



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