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Problem with Facebook Credentials and Spotify

Problem with Facebook Credentials and Spotify



This is the second time in 2 months that my account has locked me out. I have only ever used facebook to log in to my spotify unlimited account. Now it asks me to link my spotify username and facebook account but I do not have spotify credentials. Now I can't log on and I'm pretty upset because it's a whole day I've lost (and almost two) useage of my account that I pay $10 a month for.

1 Reply

Hi Jacob,


It seems the issue is that you do have Spotify creditials--your username is 'jacobtoups'. If you previously had this account connected to Facebook, then using your FB details would have been fine.


You're having trouble signing in because you've now disconnected Facebook from your Premium 'jacobtoups' account and made a duplicate account (which I've now deleted). Please see Richard's earlier post for instructions on sorting this out. 

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