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This issue is not really related to bugs but I couldn't find anywhere else to contact you about what I believe is a scam towards Spotify.

Anyway in my "recently played artists"-list there is some music listed that I have never listened to. All of the "bands" have around 10 000 monthly listeners but only 1 follower.

I'm attaching screenshots of 3 of the bands (I have 10 but could only post 3 attachments).


Kind regars,


2 Replies

Hey @fenalena, help's here!


I'd recommend checking out this support article. On that page, you'll find options to contact Customer Support.


Have a great day 🙂

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

I changed my password to a really strong one, signed out from all platforms and logged in again. Today (about six weeks later) I had the same problem with some music I never listened to in my recently played list. It hade the same characterstics as before; some random band (Georgetarpley) with a generic album cover with music that could have been autogenerated. 14.505 monthly listeners and 1 follower.


To me it seems like Spotify somehow has been hacked:

1) someone has figured out a way to play music in someone elses name without having to sign into their account or

2)  it is too easy for hackers to get the account details of users


My guess is that someone is putting together numerous albums with autogenerated/stolen music to get as many as possible songs out there to be forced played by other people to earn money on played songs. 




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