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See who follows my playlist?

See who follows my playlist?

I recently saw my playlist has 29 followers. Just curious and wanted to see who are following it. Is that an available option?

I remember few years ago when I used to get a notification when someone would follow me or my playlist.

Top Answer
Spotify Legend

Hey everyone,


Thanks for reaching out to the Community.


This idea has been suggested hereWe're keeping this idea as 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts.


Have a nice day 🙂

46 Replies

true they also got rid of messaging

I’m in between when it comes to seeing followers, I’d like to be able to see who’s following. However I think the privacy encourages followers.

i honestly am disappointed that spotify has disabled your rightful acess to who is following your playlist. it is your account and i do not get why there has not been a change in this yet. i do get this is a way of privacy for the follows but as it is your account we have every right to see who is following. step up your game spotify.

This can't be true. So this feature was REMOVED as Spotify is continuing to "improve" their product??? Makes no sense. Everybody wants the opposite of this.

Spotify should allow this feature to be enabled. Pls listen

this isn't a solution

This would be dope

it doesn’t let you

but i did this playlist of the songs my girl crush recommends me and i forgot to make it private and it's like named after her whatever... there's one person following it and i don't know who is this, maybe her

It’s not

just go to her profile and see if she's following that playlist.

I've spent a while reading the replies and thought a bit about packaging mine. Spotify is about music, and social interaction with others should be only through music, communicate through playlists, your cover, your last tune listened to. Whatever, but do it with music.

"Dude, the service performs a task well, you're being ungrateful for asking for more features."

This is maybe the dumbest thing I've ever read.

BUMP !!.
What happened with this, Is no one listen us???
It's disappointment, Also We are paying premium  and family  plans.

 At least responds.

Spotify should make an option for hiding yourself from being listed as a playlist follower; the playlist owner views their followers, and those with this turned on are simply shown as "Anonymous". It stays on on all devices/sessions, until you turn it off - unlike the Private Session mode. Or just make it possible to choose "Follow Privately" on every individual playlist.


How about just giving an email notification of the list of followers? No need for links or other kinds of stuff to connect us to the user. We just want to know who... 😕

I understand there are privacy issues, but if you've got your playlists as public, then you're allowing people other than friends to follow/see them.  I'm fine with people liking my playlists and listening to, and following them. 

I definetely agree but if privacy is the issue then spotify is doing a pretty bad job at it. I've created playlists and I see my followers on my news feed listening to the tracks from the playlists ive created so that breaks my followers privacy. I've also seen them listening to some others. so im not sure, maybe privacy is not really the issue because they have a "make public/private" for the person that creates the playlist as well. Im not sure why they've removed it and messenger, I felt like that was a nice little feature to have to communicate with other music lovers out there. It'll be sweet to get that back one day

totally. I want the direct messages back, too.

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