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Spotify Hifi

Spotify Hifi



Heard about Spotify Hifi. That you are testing this. I would really like to try it out! Since I am a long time faithful customer. Please? 🙂


588 Replies

How do I get on the Beta for this?

I have no idea. I want one myself

Deezer HIFI is only limited to few speakers and the desktop app. Not even their mobile apps are capable of HIFI.

If possible I would also like an invite for Spotify Hifi.

There is still no chance to get an invite for an non existing beta.

Hi - for those of you on the Tidal HiFi plan, is anyone using the Family HiFi  plan and have a spot?

I think I found a potential answer as to why we don't have Tidal level streaming options for Spotify and it seems to make sense. In a nutshell, most people consume modern music with non-audiophile, essentially, disposable hardware. So what's the point? Spotify will spend the cash on supporting this and it will pretty much all go to waste because most users won't be able to tell the difference. This video helped me come to this train of thought:


I can compare this to Netflix. They have 1080p and "4k" streaming options. Why? Because there are tons of people with tons of high def TV options and, for the most part, the quality difference is visibly noticeable. This means the content is essentially being consumed at the "level" in which it is being streamed.


Don't get me wrong, as I previously posted, I would love Spotify to bring this to the table but I am now not so upset about it.

I'm bowled over to learn that Sotify have canned Hi Fi, what are they thinking...


I take the point on the above comment, but where does this leave the audiophiles? it leaves them with Deezer Elite or Tidal that's where. and not with spotify.


I was with spotify for years then tried out deezer elite through sonos via Denon AVR, NAD power amp and Monitor Audio fronts. The difference is like night and day, and i couldnt go back to spotify now unless they release HI FI. I find it incredible that 20 years ago people were listening to music at significantly higher quality than they do now, i.e. CDs,  people are now effectively going backwards...!



Where did you read the info on there not being a Spotify HiFi?  I don't doubt it as they never post on here and you read nothing about it, otherwise.  I'd already given up on Spotify doing anything like that and have only kept them around because of the user interface working so well and for the price.  It sounds decent for what it is but definitely isn't CD quality and you can tell on a real "stereo" more so than ear buds.  I did try Deezer and liked it and will probably go back to it once we get moved into our new house later in the year.  But, for now, Spotify will suffice.


Kind of sad that they won't go to it.  But funny seeing all these people asking for an invite to a Beta that doesn't exist.  lol

Waited for year and years love to get an invite


Plan on waiting years and years more...

Spotify won't confirm they're NOT doing hi-fi as they know it will cause more users to migrate.  I've had enough now and am going to try Deezer, not that I really want to... 

Yep, i also tried tidal. It's not the same but lack of reply is a lack of many people asking here for something and no reply from spotify.
It's not cool!!

Last year there was many articles in different papers ”revealing” that Spotify was going to launch ”Spotify HiFi”. One year later and no response is very disapointing!

It seems that Spotify is only focusing on the financial market and to get into the public stockmarkets. 
Lets put some effort into your customers as well.
I have tried Tidal and the music quality is superior to what Spotify offers today.

Seriously,'s not going to happen.  They've filed it as "Under Consideration" so consider it shelved for a long time.  They are fulfilling their niche of $9.99 Premium service for the main group of their customers who listen with earbuds or don't give a **bleep**.  I think it shows by the number of votes (barely over 6,500) over the almost 4 year span and compare that to the estimated 70 million paying customers?  Do the math...move on.  If you all want Lossless, use Tidal (if you like rap **bleep**) and Deezer if you want something better.  


For the sake of..... 6,500 votes divided by 70,000,000 equals 0.00009% of the paying customers caring about it.  Doesn't make much sense to me for Spotify to up the ante with such a minimal show of hands.  Even of 1% of subscribers voted, which is 700,000 for you non-math people, that's not really enough to substantiate the move either.  

Hey math guy, 6500 divided by 70 million is actually 0,0093%

One of the non-math guys

Thanks, non math guy.  Not that a couple of decimal points really matter in the grand scheme.  But I admit that mistake.  


As John Candy said in "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles".....we stand a better chance of seeing a 3-legged ballerina than getting Spotify HiFi.  Or, we'd have more luck playing pick up sticks with our **bleep** cheeks..

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