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Spotify web site and account language

Spotify web site and account language


The Spotify app does have a language setting, but when I click on the View Account button in the app, a web page is open in the default browser that is in the language of the country the subscription is bound to.



Please provide a way to change the language of the Spotify web site, and when I click on the View Account button in the app, by default please open the web page in the same language as the one set in the app.


6 Replies

Hey @Zorq,


You can post your idea here.

If you gather enough kudos the idea is going to get reviewed by Spotify.


Until then as a workaround you can change the country abbreviation manually in the URL like this:

  • For single language countries:


  • For multi language countries:


Hope it makes sense to you 🙂


Thank you, I will post it there. However, this is such a trivial thing to implement (an extra option in the URL), and such a niche feature that suggesting it needs a critical kudos mass for implementing is actually denying the feature. Although there are quite many expats in various countries I suppose - let's see.


When I set the language in the URL as you suggested, it automatically changes back to the country language, so this doesn't work.

Hey @Zorq,


That's odd. I am switching between languages with no issues and looks like there is cookie, so it remembers the last geo-targeted page I opened.

Do you mind sharing the country code you used and the country you are from? 🙂

When I enter, the site indeed recognizes the cookie, signs me in and then switches to


When I open the same in incognito window,  the site doesn't sign me in, but switches to nevertheless.


So this is not about the existence of a cookie, but I guess the policy implemented in the page script.


By the way thank you for the communication and guidance.

Hey @Zorq


"When I open the same in incognito window,  the site doesn't sign me in, but switches to nevertheless."


Chrome is using brand new cookies nor session data for incognito mode.Since there is no cookie when starting the incognito session you are getting redirected to fi country code.

The behaviour is the same on Chrome and Safari on Mac, and on Chrome and Firefox on Linux.

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