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Storage settings

Storage settings

I have now switched the storage settings to save to my SD card instead of my internal storage on my phone. I did this both inside the app and via the android app manager. But when I check my storage, it shows that spotify is still on my internal storage. (I download a decent amount of playlist, so I am currently using up 6.7gb of storage!) what's going on with this? Am I doing something wrong? Spotify is legitimately killing the performance of my phone. Please help! 


5 Replies

Hello @elchupanukk, Thanks for your post.

As I understand, what you have done is transferred the storage location from the phone to your external SD in order to free up storage space on your device. To complete the exchange of storage, firstly you'll need to  clear your cache. You can do this by deleting and re-installing the app on your device. 


After clearing the app’s cache, you’re logged out, and your login details are cleared. You’ll need to resync any offline music, and reselect your preferred settings after logging back in. By doing this, you are installing any music that you had previously stored on your phone and you are placing it in its new storage location. Simply changing the settings alone will not change the amount of storage the app is currently consuming on your phone.


Spotify uses your device’s available memory storage for 2 purposes:

  • To store temporary, or snippets of, music for streaming (i.e. as cache). This means that when you press play, you hear the music immediately with few interruptions.
  • To store downloaded music if you listen offline (Premium only).

If you have any problems, let me know. 


Happy Spotifying

Carl 🙂


Hi Carl,


I am also having the same storage issue as @elchupanukk


I previously set my storage preference to my external SD card however somehow this has changed to my phone storage?


The fix you mentioned for @elchupanukk has not worked. Also the storage option from the settings menu is not available. 


Are you able to advise at all?


Thank you!

Hello @m1tchyb00

Could you tell me how much storage you have remaining on your phone, what device you have and what the storage capacity is for the SD?


I will do my best to sort this issue out for you. If not, I can escalate this post to get this issue resolved.


Look forward to hearing from you,

Carl 🙂 

Hi Carl,

Here's the requested info.

System: 25.9 GB of 32 GB
Free: 6.1 GB
Phone: Samsung S7
SD: 4.4 GB of 14.8

Do let me know if you any further details.

Thanks for your speedy reply!


Sounds like you have the same issue as those in the below issue. Please see this for updates.

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