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Updating Playlists

Updating Playlists

So I recently managed to de-link my Spotify account from my Facebook as I wanted to deactivate it. Support were brilliant in getting all my playlists over to a new account so I didn't lose them, but I've just tried to add tracks to them and it's not allowing me to do so. It seems that the playlists that have been shifted across are linked to the Facebook account that I deactivated, and although I am following them I have no control over editing them. Is there a way this can be fixed? A way to shift the playlists from my facebook account to my new username so I don't have to manually go and add every one of them to my own new playlists?

1 Reply

They probably set those up as followed playlists. You just need to copy the tracks into new playlists then you can remove the followed lists. The easiest way to do this is in the desktop client.


Select a track in the playlist, hit ctrl-A (in windoes) then drag and drop them onto "New Playlist" in the left panel or right-clicck > add to...

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