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artist name change, please help

artist name change, please help

Hello spotify community, nice to meet you.

Fundamentally i'm making this post to try to get some attention from the staff more than a true help from the community because, unfortunately, we have no power over the platform.

Let's get to the point : 

around 40 days ago 

I asked my distribuitor to change the name of my artist account from X-35 to X35.
That was my request and we paid a fee for that but we are still waiting for the change to happen.  They ensured me that they sent the needed metadata to spotify and, since i try to stay in touch with them to get the thing done, they don't know why the support team is taking so much time.
I know that the support team is very busy handling the most used music streaming service but at the sametime it would be nice to get the thing done.
Moreover i called the itunes support, the a support, the spotify artist support ( they did'nt even answer me ) and i even tryed to get directly in touch with the spotify office of my country and still i got nothing more than wasted time.
If anyone knows how to speed things up or atleast getting an answer would be very appreciated.
1 Reply

Hey @druumm333r, and welcome to the community.

Hope you're doing great! 


I’d recommend reaching out to Spotify for more help with this. You can find some more info here on how to do this. If you're still having issues after contacting them, please wait up to 48 hours before letting me know.


Thanks! Have a nice day 🙂 

Billy-JSpotify Star
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