
Help Wizard

Step 1


facebook password change reset my account settings and subscription

facebook password change reset my account settings and subscription

I recently wanted to remove my facebook credentials from spotify because I deactivated my facebook account.


In the process Spotify notified me that i needed to change my password to log back in, so I went back to facebook, reactivated my facebook to change my password to allow me to log back into spotify to ATLEAST try to find technical help.


Now when I logged back into Spotify, It says that I am using Spotify FREE, which im not and my playlists are gone.


I am paying $4 a month and have been subscribed for over 2 years now, can someone help?



6 Replies

I happen to me just a hour ago...  HELP!!!

Guys. If you get in touch with the support team here, they'll fix everything for you. If you get an automated response directing you back to the community or to the help pages, make sure to reply to it directly to speed things along.

If you have a Spotify username style account, all you should need to do is log in using your username and password rather than Facebook.

Otherwise, get in touch as Joe mentioned above.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

If this post was helpful, please add kudos below!

I'm experiencing the same problem, already sent an e-mail to the support guys + tweet to @spotifycares... still no answer 😞

I am also waiting on a responce at the moment.

Steps I took to resolve my issue.


Access your account.




bottom left go to "About"



Now click on "Contact Form"


2 copy.jpg

State what you want to do for each drop down & submit.




This is th ereply I received this morning..



Screen Shot 2014-04-03 at 7.40.03 AM.png


Submit info requested and wait for deletion confirmation.



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