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not getting premium

not getting premium

I have payed for the past 6 months of premium but only have free service. When I go to "upgrade to premium" and all it does is offer me a better deal on premium...and im not going to pay 2 charges when im not even getting what im paying for. Once I plugged in my correct info it still says I have the free account. Ive been trying to get to the bottom of it for a while now. Ive had premium for this account in the past but havent for the past 6 months Ive been charged full premium price for free service. How do I go about fixing this problem since appearantly you cant get ahold of the p.o.s. company? 

1 Reply

Hey @payedallyear it sounds like you might have two accounts with us. 


Could you answer the questions on this page to sort out which steps to take? Please let us know if this helps solve your problem. Thanks!

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