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[Android] Albums do not load

[Android] Albums do not load







Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact

Operating System

Android 9


My Question or Issue

Albums do not load tapping on the album cover.

I have tried solutions given in old threads for this problem:

  • Clean the cache and the app data from the app settings
  • Delete the cache and app data folders from Android file manager
  • Uninstall and reinstall the application

The problem is solved temporarily after following the steps above, but it reappears as soon as I download an album for offline listening.

7 Replies

Hey @ziryab,


Thanks for reaching out!

Could you tell us where it is you're trying to tap on the album cover? Is it somewhere on the Home tab or in Your Library?
If you're referring to the Now Playing View - as far as I can remember what you're describing was only possible for desktop some updates ago and it hasn't been a thing on mobile.

Upon enlarging the Now Playing View though, you can click on the album/ playlist name at the top of the screen. It redirects to the album or playlist you've started the playback from 🙂 

As you've mentioned that the issue does resolve itself temporarily after some troubleshooting, I'm thinking that you might also be referring to something I'm missing here. I'd be grateful if you could send us a screenshot so that we can get a better understanding of what you mean. 

We'll be on the lookout; many thanks!

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Hi Vasil

I have made more tests and the inability to open albums is in the following places:

  • The home tab
  • The library
  • The artists tab or discography
  • The spotify app search function results
  • From links in web pages (I have configured the web browser to open links using the app rather than the web player)

The troubleshooting I have done is described in the solution to the problem in this thread:


with a link to the clean install procedure at the following page:


I have also checked the SD Card as suggested in the first link above and the card scanner found no errors.


I have gone through the troubleshooting process again.

I will re-download some albums, one at a day, to see if the problem reappears and if I can link it to something more specific.



Hey @ziryab,


Thank you for keeping in contact and for the clarification.


If the issue reappears, could you record a short video where we can take a better look of the behavior you're describing? You can attach it to your next response by using the Insert Video option in the post editor. You can also upload it to YouTube or Google Drive and share the link with us (make sure the video has the permissions for anyone to watch it).

If the issue persists, include in your next response the Spotify version you're currently running to continue investigating the case.

We'll be on the lookout. 

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I recorded a short clip:


Albums do not load. Playlists load as expected.

Spotify version is


Appreciate the cooperation @ziryab!


Would it be possible to give this a try with a different internet connection on your mobile phone and if it doesn't make any difference - on another device?


Because you mentioned you're using an SD-card and very often corrupted cache on it can cause performance issues, it'd be great if you could remove it, give Spotify a clean reinstall once again and let's see if the albums load if you don't download them and then if you do. Let's test without the SD-card just in case.


Thanks and hope to hear from you soon 🙂

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The problem disappears when the storage location is set to the device storage, but still persists if the storage location is set to the SD card in Spotify version I have tried with two different SD cards, just after reformatting them on the phone.

Hi @ziryab,

Thanks for keeping in touch.
To get things straight, does this only happen when you have the storage set to the SD card and you download albums? Or does it happen even if you don't download any music when the storage is set to the SD card?
One more thing you can try, just to make sure this isn't account-related, is logging in with a different account and checking if the same thing happens when you set the storage to the SD card. It can be a relative or friend's account. 
Keep us posted!



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