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Android: Spotify stops playback

Android: Spotify stops playback

Got the problem since a couple of days. Spotify just stops the playback randomly. So far only if screen is locked, frequently right after locking. Interestingly it doesnt pause the track, it actually cancels it. So if I unlock the screen and start playback again the track starts from its beginning.


I cleared Spotify cache already and reinstalled it. I made exceptions for the app in the energy saving settings. Moving my files from SD card to internal memory did not make a difference.

The device I use is a Lenovo P2.


Does anyone have an idea? Thanks a lot!

2 Replies

I don't know what causes it but I have exactly the same problem (also Lenovo P2). 


It started a number of days ago. Before that: no problem whatsoever!


I haven't found a reproducible way to trigger the problem. I will post again if I find a pattern. Of course it may be just a bug in the app. In which case I hope there will be an update solving the issue soon

I found a solution. Just install an older version of Spotify. I chose

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