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Android Update Problems

Android Update Problems

Since the last "update" spotify hasn't been working on my phone. I log in and try to download my  music and listen to music but when ever I move around the folders, the app glitches out and it semi restarts jumping through the log in screen again and then ending up on the browse screen. Where it just does the same thing again every 10 seconds or less. I can't get to anything. After 10 seconds it says I'm offline when I'm not, jumps to the main log in screen then back to browse. My account works on my computer and all the computers I bring it up on, just my phone is glitching out. I've tried restarting my phone, closing the app and opening it again and also uninstalling the app and installing it again and the problem persists.  

8 Replies

What device do you have?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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HTC One, I've had it for little over a year.

Its happening to me I have the samsung galaxy s3

I have this same issue.  Galaxy S4

Got a few reports of this yesterday on S5's too, I'll get this passed over to the Spotify guys.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I've got same problem with Nexus 4 and Nexus 7. Includes downloaded tracks so not just a streaming issue.

Same probablem on my Samsung galaxy s3. I went as far as doing a factory reset as well as formatting my ad card, still having the same problem. Jumping between browse and login screen, will only play first 7-10 seconds of a streamed song. Will not download songs or will download songs but delete them shortly after. Intermittently displaying "you are offline" screen. Have only been having the problems since the new app was released.

My app doesn't log out, but after every action, it closes the screen. When I reopen the app, it goes back to my playlist screen. This makes it difficult to search, etc. Please help! I have a Droid Turbo.

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