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Android Widget

Android Widget

U was searching for Android widget of Spotify and couldn`t find it even though I found topic on this forum that there is such thing as Spotify widget on Android.

14 Replies



There should be one, once you install the Spotify apps go to your menu and click on "Widgets" and swipe until you find the Spotify one 🙂

Hope this helped 🙂

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Whats a Spotify Rock Star?

I checked it one more time just to make sure there isn`t such thing as Spotify Widget in my widgets.

What device, android and spotify versions are you using? Are you using the stock ROM?

Phone model: Newman K1B

Android version: 4.2.1

Spotify version:


Stock rom

Why such an old version of spotify? Have you tried updating it?

How can I update it? I dont have Google play on my device to download app.

There's a more recent version on

Thanks for the link. I downloaded and updated my Spotify version but there is still no widget. Am I missing something?

If you are following the steps to add a homescreen widget and spotify isn't listed then your phone is preventing it. It seems you are not the only one having widget issues with this phone.

Well all other apps on my phone got widgets except Spotify so thats why Im wondering. Maybe I had to delete and reinstall Spotify instead of updating it?

It's worth a try. You will lose any downloaded music and need to resynch/redownload.

I have been using spotify on my Android device for years.

Today I did an update which told me that "Spotify" was no longer in use and I had to install "Spotify Music"!

When I did this and it isntalled the widget has gone and is no longer available, I aso had to download all of my offline playlists too, this doesnt really bother me at all but losing the widget is a major issue for me.


I dont understand why Spotify would remove such a usefull addition to their service, what next, removing the music?

Just replied to your other post @Piggbox .

Having the same issue on my Note3. Had it before my last update though.

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