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Bluetooth car connectivity

Bluetooth car connectivity


I have bluetooth connectivity in my car, in which i can play music via my android phone. 


Is this something that is supported by Spotify, as i dont always to connect to the aux port as its a pain to keep taking out to change the music especially when i am driving. 



14 Replies

Agreed!  It would be great if you could change songs by using your car controls like with some of the other Bluetooth music apps.

This has been supported for a long time, I'm using Spotify with bluetooth almost every day in my car. The car unit's controls works fine with Spotify as well (pause, play, switch to next track and last track). It would be awesome if Spotify would send id3-tag within the bluetooth A2DP so the car unit would show details of the current track or so. 

@Gigaquad wrote:


I have bluetooth connectivity in my car, in which i can play music via my android phone. 


Is this something that is supported by Spotify, as i dont always to connect to the aux port as its a pain to keep taking out to change the music especially when i am driving. 





+1 on the bluetooth track info


Also having the music start playing without having to choose a playlist everytime would be nice aswell.

When I use my bluetooth car connection as well as the google maps navigator om my phone, the navigator disables Spotify when the audio direction voice kicks in forcing me to restart Spotify each time.  This did not occur on my Rhapsody accout -- Rhapsody just stopped when the navigator came and automatically started again when the navigator stopped.  Can Spotify also do this?

I have a similar issue, I have a 2013 Toyota Corrola S and when I get a call the audio stops and I can take the call.  But at the end of the call it's supposed to start the music again, but i have to not only restart Spotify but I have to reboot my phone. Kinda wish this would get fixed.

I have a 2012 Nissan Altima and my iPhone 5 is connected via Bluetooth so I can answer calls etc etc ... I'm actually trying to figure out how to play music from Spotify on my phone via bluetooth without connecting an aux cable .... Anyone with an iPhone with a case knows you can't have a case and use an aux cable at the same time which becomes annoying when you're trying to play music in your car off your phone ....


Any sugggestions?

I specifically reinstalled Spotify on my android phone so I could connect to the Bluetooth in my new car. I tried it today for the first time -- and the ad played just fine thru my car speakers, but then the music had no sound. I could see it playing on my phone -- but no sound thru the car speakers. Tried a different song with the same result. Help??

All works fine on my car. Make sure your car stereo supports a2dp

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Android Troubleshooting:
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Spotify Android Version History

It appears this lack of function might have reappeared with the latest version of Spotify on iPhone.
I have Kia Shortage and Bluetooth play worked fine for months. Then the latest version came out and now all I hear is static.
I killed the app and restarted it-nope.
I uninstalled Spotify and installed again-nope
I unpaired and paired my phone again-nope
I tried a phone call-bluetooth worked fine
I tried the built in Music app of the iPhone-this played to car Bluetooth fine.
It has to be the Spotify app!
I don't have another Bluetooth speaker to test to but I think it might do the same

Ok forget the fault now

I think my passing me the same thing, I have a Kia used car before spotify and went perfect, but now will not let me change the song from the wheel of the car, that's why the latest update ?

Did you ever find an answer for this?  I have an iphone 5s and a 2015 Nissan Altima.  I can connect my phone to the car and use the phone for calls but cannot figure out how to get spotify to play.  When I go to devices on the spotify app, it only lists the phone, not the car.  What am I doing wrong?  Already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, nothing changed.  Someone help!

@Lanakay66 maybe you should post in the iOS section?

I can't get Spotify to work in my car! Can someone help me?! I have my phone hooked to the car with Bluetooth, but the music doesn't work!

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