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Bugs in the currently playing Tab

Bugs in the currently playing Tab


OnePlus 6T

Operating System

Android Pie


My Question or Issue

The first bug is best explained by the Video I attached. In the currently playing Tab you can "scroll" even though there is no more content.


The second bug concerns the dot that indicates the current playback process. By grapping the dot and moving it you can usually skip or repeat parts of the track that is currently playing. Sometimes I just can't grap the dot for 3 or 4 tries. After that when I drag it to a different position the playback doesn't react and just keeps playing at the position it was. If I grap the dot again and change the position it behaves like it should.



6 Replies

monthly reminder

These bugs are still not fixed...

Hey @elfffffff,


Thanks for posting about this in the Community, and apologies for the late reply!


This is an issue which we're aware of and currently investigating.


Make sure to add your vote to this ongoing issue thread and leave the required info.


We'll keep you posted there and let you know as soon as we have any updates.



Hey Peter,


thanks for your reply.

I added my device information to this ongoing issue thread.


What about the second bug I mentioned?

Since OnePlus recently added a screen recorder I could record the bug and attach it to this post.


Some explanation for the video:

  • The first 4 swipes are just to make the bug occur. (As it seems to occur randomly)
  • The next two swipes don't change the position of the dot (I've had it not working for more than two swipes)
  • The next swipe to 0:40 works but doesn't change the audio playback position (the first swipe working again never changes the audio playback position)
  • After dragging it back to 1:17 it changes the playback position and works normally until the bug occurs again


Hey @elfffffff,


Thanks for getting back to us with the screen recording 🙂


Regarding the second issue, we tried reproducing this on our end and it doesn't seem to be an issue.


Just to confirm, is this happening only with certain songs or with all of them? If it's only with certain songs, then is there a pattern to what kind of song it is (e.g. only downloaded songs, only songs saved to Your Library)


In any case, we'd like you to try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • perform a clean reinstall of the Spotify app, making sure to clear cache
  • use another account on the same device and see if the same issue occurs

Thanks! Keep us posted 🙂

Hey Peter,

I couldn't find any way to consistently reproduce the bug. The only way is to drag the dot until it occurs. There is also no difference between saved songs, downloaded songs or songs I haven't saved or downloaded.

I also tried the troubleshooting steps which didn't change anything.


Since the first bug gets fixed by using the old navigation bar (back, home, recents) or the newer Google gesture navigation (back, home) I also tried them with the second bug. With these the bug didn't occur. I probably dragged the dot more than 100 times. Could these bugs somehow be related?



Hey @elfffffff,


Thanks for getting back to me with that info.


We've passed it on to the right team, who will look into it and see if these issues might be related.


We'll keep you posted 🙂

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