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Can't shut spotify off

Can't shut spotify off






(Samsung Galaxy s10)

Operating System

(Android version 9) LED-cover


My Question or Issue


My Samsung Galaxy s10, with Samsung LED cover, shows a play/pause button on the cover and has done so for my 2 latest phones+led-cover- out of nowhere i can't remove it while not playing music, and that means if i touch the cover spotify starts playing music that was paused.


The play bottons on the cover has done so for the 2 phones I've had with a led cover, and i can see the song playing in my notification bar when i use the app.


The issue isn't that it shows on the cover when i have music playing and the app running (that's the point with using the LEDcover)- BUT when i pause the song and swipe away the song from my notification bar (as i have done before), the cover still shows the play/pause icon and randomly starts playing the song- it didn't do that before swiping away the song. I also noticed that the "x", on the right in the notification bar, on the spotify notification containing the artist+song name, disappeared. 


Before; i could pause the song and swipe away the spotify notification in the notification bar, and that stopped and removed the play/pause "buttons" on my LED cover.

Incase I didn't swipe it away, i could press the "x" and that stopped the music and the "buttons" on the cover went away. Can i get the "x" button back?


I have tried to reinstall the app. I have tried to clear data/cache and uninstall + reinstall the app. I have tried closing all apps- but nothing works and the "buttons" still appear. I can't find the "reset settings" option in the app, incase it is due to changes in settings that i was unaware about changing. I don't know if it is the settings from the app on my phone that are weird. The only thing that works is turning the phone off and then on again.


Is this a problem with a solution from spotify? I'm pretty sure Samsung will redirect me to you guys.

1 Reply

Hey @Beetroot1!


Welcome to the Spotify community 🙂


I guess the notification won't appear on your screen when opening the cover?

If so, the system component that manages the LED cover is responsible for those issues.


I'd recommend force stopping this app and clearing its cache. This may be Samsung Push Services. Just go to settings → application manager, select to show system apps as well and try for every app that could be the one you're searching for. If you're unsure, you'll need to contact Samsung support. I'm sorry!


Best regards!


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