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Collection and Playlist Menu??


Collection and Playlist Menu??



When i create a new Account (48h test) i get an Collection Tab in my Side Menü. It looks better and i can search for artists or albums in my playlists.

But when i use my normal Account i only have "Playlists" without this features...

Anybody knows why and how i can get collection in my Side menu?

Sorry for my bad English 🙂



Wenn ich einen neuen Account erstelle habe ich in meinem Seitenmenü einen Untepunkt namens "Sammlung" dort kann ich meine Playlisten nach Künstler oder Album ordnen...

Wenn ich mich jedoch mit meinem Normalen Premium acc einlogge fehlt das und da ist nur der standart "Playlists" menü punkt.

Da mich das ein wenig nervt wolle ich wuissen ob ich den sammlung tab irgendwie bekommen kann 🙂 kennt vllt wer eine lösung?


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Hi. Collection is still in beta test although some new accounts seem to be getting it as well (I guess some sort of live test). Collection will be rolled out to everyone but, as someone involved in the beta, it's not really ready yet.


You can always join the beta programme here.

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6 Replies
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Hi. Collection is still in beta test although some new accounts seem to be getting it as well (I guess some sort of live test). Collection will be rolled out to everyone but, as someone involved in the beta, it's not really ready yet.


You can always join the beta programme here.

😞 Thanks for the fast Answer.

That Means i can only wait for the Collection Feature on my Account :(( Hope it will be released fast

@Xevius I'm just trying to collect some data. Could you please confirm that you did not apply to have that new account in the Collection beta programme and let me have the username of the account (By private message) if you prefer.



I had it also until YESTERDAY in my android... how can it be gone during the night? 😛 the even did not update... well, at least in the PC it still there (at least in linux, the version which I'm using). 


Waiting for it again... I dont now how to navigate without it!

It seems that folk are having issues with Collection across devices. Either it has disappeared completely or "Albums" is missing. This has been escalated to the staff. Please keep an eye on this thread for news.

I'm experiencing problems with the "Collection" tab, yesterday it was working pefectly, everything i have is saved on my collection, I don't use playlists but now the collection tab has dissapeared and I'm being forced to do evrything via playlists, I've lost all my music and I'm refusing to use playlists so either I get a quick solution out of this, or i'm just moving to Deezer, I pay a fair bit of money for this service and it's just let me down 

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