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Crowdfunding advertisements

Crowdfunding advertisements

I like the idea of paying for the service, so that artists receive some reimbursement for their investment, and some food on the table. But, I know that $15 is valuable to many people, so they are choosing to tolerate advertisements instead, that they can allocate those funds to alternative pleasures. About 95% of my time with Spotify in the past four years has been paid for with cash through it's Premium subscription service.


I have used the free service a few times, and I have found that the morality in the advertisments is weighted in opposition to the virtues of The Lord. (Frequently, the advertisements are largely funded by the major meat pattie food chains, or the advertismenets will appeal to and encourage sin).


I cannot find any information for how to fund Spotify by way of advertisements - how much does it cost, design specifications etc?


I would like to start a crowd-funding mechanism whereby those who subscribe to Spotify can donate freely toward funding advertisements of their choice, while remaining an official free user. This way they can relieve their conscience of not paying for the music, while also choosing to contribute the amount that they think is fair, and also feeling good about promoting through advertising, a cause that they care about.


Some examples could be crowd-funding banner advertisments that link through to environmental causes, political petitions, or community events etc.


How is it possible to find out the cost of advertising on Spotify? I am capable of building the technical mechanism for receiving donations via PayPal and assigning those funds toward specific campaigns, maintianing ledger records for public audit etc. I'm quite happy to set this up with no cost.


I aso seek an indication whether Spotify would like to support (even promote) this idea.

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