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Editing playlist order on spotify mobile (Android)


Editing playlist order on spotify mobile (Android)

Why doesn't spotify support manually changing the order of playlists on the mobile version?


Is there some kind of technical hurdle to work around or are Spotify just not listening to the people that are asking for it?

220 Replies

Please sign this petition!! Whatever might work to get this changed, we have to try. Thank you flappybob123!

@sangolio. I remember this petition....I commented but there doesn't seem to be an"add my name" option. And the number of supporters hasn't changed since I last saw it. Maybe it doesn't work on mobile?

#Spotify #android #mobile
Any update on the issue of not being able to edit the playlist order via a mobile android device? Please can this be developed ASAP as it lets the great app/service down

I mean I switched to Google play music because they do have that option, honestly I enjoy Google play music cause it also gives me YouTube red, and I find it much easier to add music to it that is missing from its database than it is for Spotify, but I do miss the aesthetic and interface of Spotify. However, until the Playlist sorting is added, I won't be going back to Spotify.

I am signing this petition! Many other Music apps let you reorder your playlist. Google's music app. Amazons music app. Even the iPhone version of Spotify. Pleease get this working on Spotify for Android. What's the status on this? Thanks!

I can't believe I can't manually sort my spotify playlist on my mobile thinking of unsubscribing because of this it seems such a basic option for such an otherwise sophisticated app, those who subscribe do so to make playlist and they can't them manually it makes no se


Yes please!

Can someone from Spotify please explain why they don't fix this issue? I use Spotify almost only on my Android phone and will dump Spotify before I change my phone is. I promise to cancel my subscription if you don't correct it soon..

Actually you can. Open the playlist and to the right of the Filter bar there should be a sort button. I didn't figure it out right away either haha. But I do think there are some things the Spotify mobile and desktop app should have or at least premium members should have since we pay money monthly. After losing some features to updates I only hope future updates bring them back or something better.




You can sort on either Title, Recently added, Artist, Album or Custom.
There is no edit functionality like ios..



Thanks for reply but I'm not sure we are talking about the same type of
editing. I have an Apple and Android devices. I make yoga class playlists
that require arranging and rearranging songs to best follow sequences of
class. The filter option you mention allows "sorting" by a few categories.
Those don't work if you're trying to custom sort by song dynamic. I can do
this easily on Apple by dragging songs where ever I want. I think Spotify
should provide Android users the same feature as for Apple users.

So was that easy? So everybody here is a *stupid dumb **bleep**?* That isn't
work fellow, just try to move a god darn song with a android phone, no
men... We are alone on this... All alone

So this has been a problem for years and it still hasn't been fixed? Ridiculous. Because of work I have to carry both an iPhone and Android (my preferred phone for everything but this one problem). So I am forced to edit my Spotify playlists on my iPhone and then wait for the change to be updated on my Android. But only a fraction of my Spotify library is available on my iPhone because of storage limitations. (Thank you Android for letting me add memory!)

Sorting is nice, but as others, what I really need is to move certain songs around. i also teach fitness classes and rely on Spotify playlists for my class. It is impossible to customize a playlist on an Android when the function is so simply on the iPhone. Score: Android 207, iPhone 1. 

This is so crazy - it's such a simple thing and so necessary for any kind of comfortable usage of the app. Please, please Spotify add this feature!

Please oh please oh please oh please oh please FIX THE APP

Hi Tim. Simply saying you can't do something is not a "Solution". This is going to be a deal breaker for me if it can't be fixed. Spotify needs to fix this - a real solution.

It's beyond frustrating that this has been an issue for almost 2 and a half years now. Your customer serice sucks, Spotify.

Sorting by artist, genre, etc. Is not what we asked for and is not a solution to this problem, Tim, no matter how many times you repeat yourself. The fact that this issue has been marked as solved is extremely concerning, and makes me question Spotify's dedication to quality. We want to be able to move songs around to our specific taste because that's what a playlist is for. This is available on iOS and desktop versions. So what is taking so long? Why has this issue not been addressed. I'd hate to have to switch over to Google music after spending almost 2 years with Spotify so I can have this feature. But I will. And so will many others. This issue needs to be reopened and fixed.

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