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Fix the shuffle now!

Fix the shuffle now!


 Samsung S5

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Spotify Version:



 While using the shuffle button when you are in a playlist it has only 2 lists it plays off.

You can only make him choose other songs if you play a number by it self with your shuffle function on.

And even then he shuffles the same songs in mine list, pretty annoying!


1 Reply

I've noticed some issues with shuffle aswell. I frequently play of  playlist of about 550 song, but i keep hearing the same songs. When I'm in one listening session I hear the same artist a lot. Which according to some devoloper posts I've read should be fixed because they started using a different shuffle algorithm. What it looks like it's doing is shuffleing the songs I added most recently. Or at least prioritize these when creating a shuffle. 


Furthermore when i start a new listening session, i do hear the same songs again. Which is of course possible since the songs from previous sessions might not be saved. And if they do indeed prioritze recently added songs this makes sense, but it still very annoying since i want to hear the other songs too. 


If i understand what you are saying correctly a play order is generated when you hit shuffle and there are only two different order that can be generated. Which seems odd to me, but could be true never the less. 


On pc this is easy too fix. I just dont use the shuffle but sort by track name, and then play it regularly. Which is a better shuffle then the built in shuffle. However on android you cant sort by track, it is auto sorted by added date. 


Any way, since there is a lot of disccussion about this, i'll keep track of what i play using last fm from this point. I''ll post the results when I have enough data, (and if I remember to do so.) I hope spotify staff notices this and is able to explain why it seems to be that recently added songs seem to be prioritized and shuffle just looks like it's using one or two pregenerated play orders. If prioritzing new songs is intended i suppose its usefull in some cases, but you should be allowed to disable it.

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