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Good Morning,


Just a quick questions, are you able to get Spotify on the brand new HTC One?


I am thinking about upgrading my phone and would hate to be with Spotify.




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Hi. Yes, there is an android Spotify application downloadable from Google Play which will work on the HTC One.

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Hi. Yes, there is an android Spotify application downloadable from Google Play which will work on the HTC One.

Ideal! That is great news, I will go ahead with my upgrade then.



I'm envious of your phone choice 🙂

@jwylot wrote:

I'm envious of your phone choice 🙂

HTC One owner here. Can confirm it's awesome.

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I can concur with Richard.


Went ahead with my upgrade and the Spotify app is amazing on it! 🙂

I've spent a a ridiculous amount of time trying to get Spotify's latest real competitor to work on my Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0, which is a relatlively old device (2 years or so) and which has a fairly old processor.  The device is also running the ancient 2.3.5 OS.  The competitor runs like @*#& and hangs and crashes constantly.  Much of the time I can't even get it to play anything.


Spotify runs like a true champ on this old device. The UI interactions are smooth and fast, no hiccups whatsoever. Playlists load quickly, I see album art, search works great, I can create playlists from albums, sorting works as expected, downloads work perfectly, etc etc etc.


The Android team has done an absolutely amazing job getting this app to run on older devices.  Kudos to you guys, including QA!


If Spotify runs on my dinosaur, it shouldn't have a problem running on newer phones.

@Richard wrote:

@jwylot wrote:

I'm envious of your phone choice 🙂

HTC One owner here. Can confirm it's awesome.

I can also confirm this, it's a great piece of kit.


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Loving my HTC One Xk, more, each passing day seems to offer something new, useful and sometimes, exciting.

I know this is a couple months old now, but I can't seem to find anything elsewhere regarding this issue I'm having.


I have an HTC One, and it is indeed amazing... but Spotify is not exactly great on it. Basically, it seems like not enough CPU resources are devoted to it. Whenever I'm playing music, if I do something as small as open a different app, turn off WiFi/Bluetooth, refresh my email inbox, etc. on the phone, I'll get a little *hiccup* in the playback of whatever I'm listening to. And it even happens occasionally when the phone is in my pocket and I'm not doing anything at all with it (I assume it's due to background processes). It's a small, but over time and repeated occurrences, extremely irritating issue. Especially if I have my phone hooked up to the sound system at a party, or I'm playing music in the car. 


Anyway, I was wondering if you guys are having this issue as well. I love the phone completely, I just wish this would go away. Spotify is one of my most important apps and I hate to see it not performing at its best.

ya it happens with my htc one too. Atm i can't say if it's a streaming issue OR a cpu overload that causes random hiccup when you switch something .

Gah. I was almost hoping it was just me so I could find some kind of fix.


I'm like 90% sure it's a resources issue. It's definitely NOT a streaming issue because it happens with music I have downloaded to the phone. It isn't errors with the music file because it happens irregularly. And I can fairly easily reproduce it by opening apps and toggling settings rapidly. It would be one thing if it only happened when I'm intentionally "overloading" the phone... but it happens with normal or even light use (as said before, when it's in my pocket). 


So then my question is: is there a way for Spotify to require more system resources to ensure that it doesn't hiccup? I understand this would put users with lower-end phones at a disadvantage. However, I think a solid listening experience should take priority. 

Or, maybe it's just HTC's issue with how the phone allocates resources. 


Anyone else experiencing this?

Can't say I have experienced it. I've had my One now for a few weeks - was only listening to downloaded music previously, but have wiped my phone back to stock settings in preparation for the 4.2.2 upgrade due to arrive soon and so was listening to streaming tracks today over both wifi and 3G. Everything has been fine

Are you running any resource managers on the phone? Do you have the power saving feature switched on?
Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

i will monitor with proper software the cpu load AND i will do a burn test to check when/if it hiccup. stay tuned.

Can't reproduce on my One either atm.

Is this for streaming or playing synced music? Which quality do you have set for these in the app's settings?
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that's awesome, excited to see your results!



good to hear yours is doing fine... it's very surprising to me to have this issue because I never had it on my One X, which I owned prior. And no, I don't run any resource managers and I always have power saver turned off (doesn't seem to do much when I have it turned on anyway)



it may happen for streaming music, but I've been noticing it the most on my synced music actually. and you bring up a good point with the quality - I have it set at extreme, which I'm sure requires more resources for playback. I'd really rather not have to sacrifice quality for reliable playback, but maybe I'll give High Quality a shot and see how that goes.

 Hi , 

just a question , does beats audio on the HTC One work with spotify ?




thanks for answers Jan

Beats audio is just an equalizer that is applied to any sound output on the HTC One. So yes, it works with Spotify.

since the last update ( I'm experiencing an audio bug using my bluetooth headset. While listening to a song my HTC One reduces the volume after 2-3 seconds. I Experienced this on Android 4.1.2 and 4.2.2 


Anyone else have the same problem? 

I decided to start listening to Spotify directly from my HTC One this morning. It's awful. It hangs after a song or 3, every time. I take it out of my pocket and there's an UNKNOWN SONG on the display, which is absolute rubbish. It isn't a streaming issue either as I tethered my old non-SIM carded iPhone that I also keep to the HTC One and it played the same playlists and songs at random with zero issues. I have now gone back to using this process, listening to Spotify on my 3GS iPhone but tethered to the higher 4G speed of my HTC One. It is most definitely a resource issue because I discovered without frequent cleaning of the RAM it would only play one song instead of 3.


Spotify is most definitely my main music source/player of choice and whilst I love the HTC One in every other respect, it falls down in a crashing heap in this instance.

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