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I'm a really pissed off customer.


I'm a really pissed off customer.

I'm JVGO, and spotify sucks. How long is it going to take your developers to solve the offline problems we android tablet users are facing. Why are you snubbing us spotify, why? You release iOS updates like every other week but neglect android users entirely. If this issue with spotify not always going offline each time we try to sync our playlist offline doesn't get fixed, I am going to start a petition asking all android users unsuscribe from your premium service. Its like throwing 10 bucks into the air and getting nothing in return, no"we are working on it," or "this is the problem at the moment." You just snub us. and i am sick and tired of it. you have a week to release an update for android ICS 4.0.4 or else. 


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I cant speak for spotify, but I can take an educated guess as to why the Android Updates take longer then the IOS Updates.


Android runs Windows so there for the spotify applet that runs on an android device will be codded in ASSEMBLY code or C ++ this takes time but not much space on a memory card. The Update that will run on a Android device needs to codded correctly, and have the capability to intergrate itself in to the correct application. Since ASSEMBLY is a memory based math and logic codding system, it takes a long time to build up the code and assemble it into a .exe file


IOS takes far less time because the codding is linux based, and linux is inherintly much more simple in desigen then windows.




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8 Replies

Gvo102 - Hi, I've just moved your post over here as it's an Android issue. Have you tried the new Android preview version at all? If not, you can give it a try here:

If you have this version and you're still having offline issues, could you try and download an IMEI widget from the Android app store and give it another go.

Check out how we're doing over @SpotifyStatus

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Marked as solution

I cant speak for spotify, but I can take an educated guess as to why the Android Updates take longer then the IOS Updates.


Android runs Windows so there for the spotify applet that runs on an android device will be codded in ASSEMBLY code or C ++ this takes time but not much space on a memory card. The Update that will run on a Android device needs to codded correctly, and have the capability to intergrate itself in to the correct application. Since ASSEMBLY is a memory based math and logic codding system, it takes a long time to build up the code and assemble it into a .exe file


IOS takes far less time because the codding is linux based, and linux is inherintly much more simple in desigen then windows.




@darkdj09 wrote:

I cant speak for spotify, but I can take an educated guess as to why the Android Updates take longer then the IOS Updates.


Android runs Windows so there for the spotify applet that runs on an android device will be codded in ASSEMBLY code or C ++ this takes time but not much space on a memory card. The Update that will run on a Android device needs to codded correctly, and have the capability to intergrate itself in to the correct application. Since ASSEMBLY is a memory based math and logic codding system, it takes a long time to build up the code and assemble it into a .exe file


IOS takes far less time because the codding is linux based, and linux is inherintly much more simple in desigen then windows.



Wow, that is probably the most complete load of b******* I've ever read!

darkdj09 wrote:

I cant speak for spotify, but I can take an educated guess as to why the Android Updates take longer then the IOS Updates.


Android runs Windows so there for the spotify applet that runs on an android device will be codded in ASSEMBLY code or C ++ this takes time but not much space on a memory card. The Update that will run on a Android device needs to codded correctly, and have the capability to intergrate itself in to the correct application. Since ASSEMBLY is a memory based math and logic codding system, it takes a long time to build up the code and assemble it into a .exe file


IOS takes far less time because the codding is linux based, and linux is inherintly much more simple in desigen then windows.


Definitely one of the funniest forum posts I've ever seen. That makes literally zero sense. For a start, Android is Linux based. What you've done there is put some computer related words in a random order to come up with a reply. 


On topic however, it does seem a bit weird that even in the preview app, so many obvious features are missing and so many bugs are still present. I'm sure it'll get fixed with time though... I hope.

@darkdj09 wrote:

I cant speak for spotify, but I can take an educated guess as to why the Android Updates take longer then the IOS Updates.


Brilliant. Nothing to do with the distinct possibility that Spotify employed/employs more iOS developers than Android ones then?

Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

@licenced wrote:

@darkdj09 wrote:

I cant speak for spotify, but I can take an educated guess as to why the Android Updates take longer then the IOS Updates.


Brilliant. Nothing to do with the distinct possibility that Spotify employed/employs more iOS developers than Android ones then?

No matter. Windows Phone employees and coders a circular zero.

I can't help myself, I just have to respond to this.

Android runs windows? In what universe? Android is anything but windows. Androis is an Operating system and so is Windows. The two don't mix!

And your entire post is full of errors.


iOS coding is not linux based, it's C++, C# and a load of other languages. You can pick a nice one.

To make your statement even more hillarious: Android -is- linux. It's a linux kernel, has a linux based OS. it-is-linux.

However, app development is in Java. You might have heard about it. It's only used on the entire world so you may not be familiar with it.


So, Development on iOS 'may' be easier. It depends on what language you're used to.


But all that stuff about assembly, running windows and building an exe file (oh that's because it runs windows of course) is only in your head.


And iOS is originally based on BSD since iOS-X.. 


I write about Spotify's useless Windows Phone application without coders or employees for it.


You shouldn't be a pissed customer if you were used a WP application once or more.

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