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So, millenniums ago I downloaded, and uninstalled it shortly after, as I found it rather useless. But with removed, Spotify still gives me the notification " Error - Wrong Username or Password."

So, curiously as I am, I tap this notification, it takes me to the Spotify settings, I scroll down. I see " Scrobbling - Scrobble what I listen to on my account." turned on, so I turn it off.

Later, when I use Spotify it gives me the same notification, and the scrobble function has turned itself ON again! What in the world? Have I no control over my own apps? I eradicated every single trace of ever having downloaded to my Android device, yet it still haunts me to this day. Oh why must I be tormented in such a way with these horrific notifications? My heart is getting weaker as these notifications slowly empty the life out of me, and there is no music in the whole wide world that will be able to restore myself to my former self, until these notifications are gone. Oh hero, where art thou?

So, does anyone know how to disable this? I may have been somewhat over dramatic, but it is really bothersome. I logged into my account after redownloading it and I found nothing on the settings to discable/disconnect it from Spotify. And in the Spotify settings, the only option related to, is the one mentioned above " Scrobbling".

Much appreciated.


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