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Made for me not showing daily mixes

Made for me not showing daily mixes






Samsung Galaxy S10

Operating System

Android 10


My Question or Issue

I am having an issue with my daily mixes.  If any of my daily mixes are recently played, they show up in recently played but not in the "Made for me" section.  That is pretty inconvenient, because daily mixes obviously change daily and I like to see the summary of the artists in each daily mix.  The recently played section does not do this for me.  Honestly, daily mixes should simply never be in the recently played section, period! 

There were other threads in the past that complained of similar behavior, but I can tell you this is not fixed and I made sure I uninstalled Spotify then downloaded the latest version from the App Store:


Assistance is greatly appreciated.

10 Replies

Hey @NorthNJDavid


Help’s here!

If you can't see your Daily Mixes in the Made For You hub of the mobile app it's a good idea to also try a clean reinstall of Spotify. We recommend this step for being more thorough compared to a simple reinstall as it'll remove any corrupted data that could be causing the issue.  


In case this persists, make sure no battery optimization settings or data cleaning apps run active on your mobile device. Such features can often prevent the app from operating at full capacity. We also suggest accessing the app settings and making sure all Permissions are enabled for Spotify. 


Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes.  

I've tried the steps mentioned and it did not work. I'm not sure how it
could work as it is app behavior, but I followed the clean install
procedure anyway. Looked for the spotify com file (it wasn't there), so the
uninstall must have taken care of it. Any other suggestions?

Hi there @NorthNJDavid,


Thanks for the reply.


Can you let us know if you can access your Daily mixes from another device? You can also try going through this link which will open up the section in the Web player.


Also, let us know if you see anything else in their place like Artist Mix or Genre Mix.


We'll be on the lookout for your reply.



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Hello again,

If I use the web player via link you sent, I see my daily mixes, all 6 of

If I use the Windows 10 App on my desktop PC, I see some daily mixes in
"Shortcuts" and "Recently played", but I also see ALL of my daily mixes in
the "Made for Me" (David) section. This is the behavior I expect across
all platforms.

If I use the Android app, any daily mixes in "Recently played" or "Jump
back in" will not appear under "Made for Me" (David). This is the behavior
I am fussing about.

Thank you,

Hey @NorthNJDavid,


Thanks for keeping in touch.


Could you send us a screen recording where we can see what's on the Made for you section in the Android app?


Also, could you try with a different account, like a friend's or relative's, on your phone and let us know if this persists? It'd also be helpful if you try logging in to your account on a different Android device to see if there's any difference. This will help us determine if this is account or device related.


Keep us in the loop.

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Thank you.

I tried on my Android Tablet that I rarely use and the behavior is
identical to my phone.

I took a video of what I see, how should I send it?

Hey @NorthNJDavid,


Thanks for your reply.


You can attach the video to your next reply by tapping on the video camera icon in the post editor.


Also, try it using a different account to see if the issue persists.


We'll be on the lookout.

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I cannot get a video that is useful and under 5mb, so I took a few screenshots.  2 are from the "Made for me" section and 1 is from "Recently played", just to show that the ones in "Recently played" are the ones missing from "Made for me".

Made for me 2.jpg
Made for me 1.jpg
Recent 1.jpg

Hi again @NorthNJDavid,


Thanks for keeping in touch and for sending screenshots.


It's expected that when you listen to a Daily Mix on the mobile app, it'll appear on your Recently Played and Jump back in sections, and it's removed from the Made for you section. This is to avoid repeating the same suggestion in multiple sections of the app.


However, we understand what you mentioned and appreciate your feedback about it. Rest assured, we'll pass it on to the right folks.


If you have any questions or need a hand with anything else, give us a shout.



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Thank you, I appreciate your time.

One final note: this behavior, while expected as you say, is not
consistent with other platforms such as the windows app. (please don't
break the windows app, lol)

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