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Missing tons of music?!?!?!?!?

Missing tons of music?!?!?!?!?

I've been a longtime subscriber of spotify premium and until today have never hsd any issues with the app. As an avid music lover I have spent a lot of time developing many playlists for different vibes and atmospheres. I was about to go on a run just now and discovered that my favorite playlist contained only a fraction of the songs it had before. I went through all of my other playlists and saw the same**bleep**. The whole interface is different and I hate everything about what has happened. Is there any way for me to fix this?? I don't want to cancel my premium but I am beyond furious right now.


4 Replies

How do I get help for this???

I have the exact same problem. It really really sucks. Hope they can fix this soon. cant survive this life without music

do you by any chance have a sony phone?


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