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My music won't appear!


My music won't appear!

My phone isn't in sync with my Spotify account. I have premium and if I add a song to a playlist, the playlist on my phone doesn't recognise it. If I add a song on my phone, it does the same thing: my computer doesn't detect it. If I make a playlist on Spotify and add music, it only has the playlist name with no music on my phone. What do I do?


Accepted Solutions
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Can you try a clean reinstallation of the desktop application and see if that makes any difference? 



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18 Replies

Hi there! Welcome to the Community!

The easiest way I have found to sync up the desktop app and the app on your phone is have them both open at the same time and then add a song to your desktop playlist. It should automatically update it.

If that doesn't work, then make your playlist available offline and it should be able to sync that way. Let me know if that solves your problem!


Hi Zach


I have tried both of your ideas, unfortunately none of them work. I have found that my iPad is the same as my phone, i.e. it has the same playlists with the music in. 

Have you got any other solutions?



Marked as solution

Can you try a clean reinstallation of the desktop application and see if that makes any difference? 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hi Peter, 


Thank you, that fixed the problem! 



Awesome sauce! 😄 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hi everyone,


Same problem is occuring, and I have uninstalled and reinstalled all programmes on different platforms, i.e. iPad, laptop, Android phone (HTC Desire S) and desktop computer.

Any other possible sollutions?



Clean reinstallation did not help on any of the devices involved 😞

I have a lot of music on my iphone, premium account, and none of it shows on my mac. My account shows zero offline devices and I can't figure out how to add offline devices. I want spotify to show my music on the computer and phone. 


@leefitzgerald maybe you should post this in the ios board?

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I am having the exact same problem. Have tried reinstalling the program however available offline songs are still not synchronized between the PC and the Android phone. Different songs show up on each device and there are no additional options for download under "Local Files"... 😕

My i phone account (premium) is not synchronized with my mac account, it doesn't let me do it!

@tpugh58 wrote:

My phone isn't in sync with my Spotify account. I have premium and if I add a song to a playlist, the playlist on my phone doesn't recognise it. If I add a song on my phone, it does the same thing: my computer doesn't detect it. If I make a playlist on Spotify and add music, it only has the playlist name with no music on my phone. What do I do?




Do you get email receipts for your subscription purchases? In them, the Spotify username you're paying for is shown:


Username/ID:        xxxxxxx

Logout of the app, and be sure to use that username to login to your account. It's the one with your music.

osorniosSpotify Star
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Try clearing the cache, which is located at (if on Win10):

That worked for me on my spotify desktop


When i add music on my phone on spotify it wont appear on my computer! 

I have tried obvious fixes for instance removing application and re downloading, login in and out on both phone and computer. I have also been on the spotify web site and removed my computer from there and then adding it again. 

I have arround 400 songs in the "song" folder/ part would that have any impact only thing which i can think has an effect. My mac still has storage left too so it won't be caused by that. 


Hey @loulyy,


Try logging into your Spotify profile on your browser here with your email. Your username will be displayed after you login.


After that, logout of the app in both of your devices, and be sure to use that username, instead of your email address, to login to your account. It's the one with your music.

osorniosSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Thanks 😄

Help me!!!  I have Spotify on my iPad and hp.  I download music from my laptop and usually I can sync it to my iPad.  Now I go to my iPad and in playlist it says the number of songs there in my playlist but when I click on my playlist no songs show up.  Never had s problem.  I reinstalled both apps.  Nothing.  Help me I need the songs.  

this unfortunately did not work, my computer (mac) will not load any new music i've downloaded since January. Both my android phones are synced and work properly.

I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling, logging out, logging in with the same username.


any further help?

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