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No download notification on Android

No download notification on Android




Samsung Galaxy S8

Operating System

Android Oreo

My Question or Issue

The app doesn't show me when it's downloading something. I get no notification anymore. I've tried everything but i can't make it work. 

Is anyone having the same problem?


10 Replies

Hey @Felipe_duartep,

I'm sorry to hear about your issue!

Are you still getting other notifications from Spotify? (Like what music is playing in the background?)

If not you may have turned off notifications in android.

If that doesn't help I would try to download Spotify again.


I hope I could help you.

Cheers from Germany,


Yes, i get other notifications, except the download one. 

And i've tried downloading the app again, but the problem still remains.

This thing happened to me as well

Hey @Felipe_duartep and @NatanW

i'm sorry to hear that this is still an issue!

I would advise you guys to open a thread in the "Ongoing Issues" tab.

Where it hopfully will be fixed soon!

Good Luck,


Today I reinstalled the app and experienced the same no notification issue. Now download or app running. Altough it has a notification while playing music.

Tried re-reinstall but no luck.

I am having the same issue. It was working just fine yesterday.

@Felipe_duartep wrote:




Samsung Galaxy S8

Operating System

Android Oreo

My Question or Issue

The app doesn't show me when it's downloading something. I get no notification anymore. I've tried everything but i can't make it work. 

Is anyone having the same problem?


@Felipe_duartep wrote:




Samsung Galaxy S8

Operating System

Android Oreo

My Question or Issue

The app doesn't show me when it's downloading something. I get no notification anymore. I've tried everything but i can't make it work. 

Is anyone having the same problem?



I formatted my phone and reinstalled Spotify and I have now lost the download notification as well.

I have the same problem and the notifications are not disabled in android

Same problem here.
And don't have option to create topic in Ongoing Issues.

Same here. I'm using Spotify on Samsung Galaxy S9 running Android 9. Had the issue with Android 8 as well. No notification but download in the background. I'm getting the normal notification when I'm playing music. Please fix.

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