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Playlist won't sync

Playlist won't sync

I sync playlists with local files from my computer to my phone app for offline play and they will sync and work while the cpu and phone are both on wifi. However when I close the app and reopen later they playlist are no longer synced. Help? This is driving me nuts. 

3 Replies

I have the same problem! 
I'll sync the playlists just fine, then when you close the app and log back in the playlists are gone!  


Where did you download the Spotify application? If it's from the Google Play store, you might want to try downloading the new Preview version we have on our website right here.

Airhorn Enthusiast

I downloaded the new version. Very swish! However, it's still not working.

When this problem started happening I thought it might have been because I had tonnes of playlists - so I deleted them all.

Whenever I turn on the app and I'm no not connected to the internet (be it 3G or Wi-Fi) all of my old deleted playlists are still there. They can't be played as it says the playlists all contain 0 tracks. But visually, they are still there. 

When I connect to the internet the app has a little aneurysm and freezes for a minute or two - then my new apps (about 20 or so) appear. 

Any thoughts?  

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