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Re: gapless playback

Re: gapless playback




New Zealand


Oppo Reno4

Operating System



My Question or Issue

Bought premium and music has gaps. Enabled gapless playback but still has gaps. Annoying.

Any help appreciated.



4 Replies

The suggested posts did not help. Please send me specific posts related to my gapless playback problem. I don't want to sift through a ton of other posts to get to it.





Hey there @Rob1128,


Thank you for your post here in the Community. We're sorry to hear about this. We're happy to help.


Can you perform a clean reinstall of the app? This step will clean the cache and corrupted files from previous installations that can cause issues.


Also - can you try with another internet connection to see if the issue persist?


If that doesn't do the trick - can you provide us with a screen recording so we can have a closer look directly from your end?


Also - does this occur on one specific device or multiple devices?


We'll keep an eye out for your reply.



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Hi there,

I'm having the same issues with the gapless playback. I've tries everything in my power, and different Spotify, fresh installations clients, PC windows, PC Linux, and Android phone. Same results.


The odd thing is that the gapless works perfectly fine with selected albums only. Let me explain myself:


Pick a "typical" very well known album: "The Dark Side Of The Moon"


Gapless playback works perfectly fine there, all across the different tracks, and across all the devices.


Now, an without doing any configuration changes, pick a different album, a alternative jazz release: "Sound of Our Life, Pt. 1: Natural Seeds" and the gapless playback fails always, no matter what you try, you will heard a glitch between tracks, very annoying, that it shouldn't be there. In the original CD, songs are  continuous across tracks.


Another examples where the gap-less works fine:


My conclusion is that the issue, could be in the album itself, when dumped into the Spotify system.

Any suggestions or ideas?



Hey there @cocinaconpoco,


Thanks for your post on this thread and welcome to the Community!


Since this is only happening on certain albums, it's likely that it's related to how the content was uploaded to Spotify rather than a Gapless feature malfunction.


We've tested this on our end with the albums you mentioned and we ran into the same situation.


In this case, you can report this by following the steps in this article so the right folks can look into it.


We hope this helps. If you have any questions, give us a shout.


Cheers 🙂

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