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Remove downloaded music on mobile


Remove downloaded music on mobile

When you choose to make an offline playlist only available online again, does it automatically remove the music files it had to download on the mobile?  


I've recently found I'm running out of space on my mobile and about 2/3 of my space is taken up by music (the only music I've got on my phone will be from Spotify) but when I go into the folder, I can't tell what songs they are as the naming convention is not what I expected (random letters and numbers rather than the name of the song).


I can't go and delete any of those folders without knowing if they are part of a playlist I would like to keep offline and I'd rather ask the question to the community before needing to go through and turn off all offline playlists on my mobile just to find out the answer!  


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Hello! If you choose to set a playlist to the offline mode, you download all the musics. When you click to turn it to the normal mode again, all files are deleted. Probably some temporary archives will stay, but is not that much.

~And let the music touch your soul!
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Hello! If you choose to set a playlist to the offline mode, you download all the musics. When you click to turn it to the normal mode again, all files are deleted. Probably some temporary archives will stay, but is not that much.

~And let the music touch your soul!
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So the music I've got there now should just be from the offline playlists I've got on my phone, that's great 🙂


Thank you!

yes, you can choose some playlist to download in your phone, and other ones in your pc, they're not necessarily the same.


If it helps, choose as solution please!


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~And let the music touch your soul!
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Do note that offline music can stay on your device for up to a week after turning off the offline button.

Best way to save space immediately is to delete the cache and redownload it all.

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Every time delete all and redownload is a bit crazy i think.

I think Spotify must delete automaticly all the deleted files because otherwise you get a big datafile.

Thats my problem ... i downloaded a few playlists for offline listenig ... it was 4 GB ... after 1 month my data files is almost 7 GB ????

Why is this happening ???

You tell that after a week spotify delete some files but i think thats not happening with my spotify data file..


Please help .....

@thai2000 wrote:

Every time delete all and redownload is a bit crazy i think.

I think Spotify must delete automaticly all the deleted files because otherwise you get a big datafile.

Thats my problem ... i downloaded a few playlists for offline listenig ... it was 4 GB ... after 1 month my data files is almost 7 GB ????

Why is this happening ???

You tell that after a week spotify delete some files but i think thats not happening with my spotify data file..


Please help .....

Best thing to do is go to Spotify Setting sand delete the entire cache. You can then open the app afterwards, log back in and select the playlists you want downloaded.


You'll have to re-download any offline lists again, but this will ensure that anything else is fully removed from your device.

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

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Spotify Android Version History

I cannot understand that i must download every month my music again ?

This is the Year 2014 and not 1950 ? ..

There must be an possibility to deleted the same amound of old songs than that there new are added..


Understand .. there are 10 new songs in a playlist ... automatiqly delete the 10 songs that are the longest period of time in the playlist.

So the Data file stays almost the same and not grows after every update 500 mb or so ??


Can you consider trying that out.. I think it should be possible to do so .


Thanks in advance..........

OK, for some reason it isn't working for me.  I have a lot of songs downloaded under "songs" not playlist.  How do I delete those?  Thanks!

And what if I have a lot albums downloaded from different artists. How will i remember all of the albums if they are not a playlist? Come spotify make a change and let app remove files from device if they are deleted. This cannot be that hard.

if i delete all the cache will i still have the music and files on my account (just not downloaded anymore)? or will it delete all the playlists and music i had attached to my account (downloaded or online only)? In other words, if i delete the cache will i have go through the app and search up all the music I had in my library and add it back to the library?



Go to your web browser and open spotify. Go to account then Offline Devices. Remove the device with synced music and it will remove all downloaded music from your device.



This is not a solution. What I need is to remove from cache deleted songs/albums that keeps occupying memory.

I have a question. Do you have to redownload it after they delete?

After joining Spotify, I downloaded from my very old memory bank. I would like to delete every single and artist and start over. Can't seem to push the correct button, very frustrated.

Thank you

I have play lists on laptop tablet and phone. I want to free up space on tablet and phone. If I remove them from those 2 devices will they remain on Laptop. If so how do I delete folders  Jon jcsnw12@GMAIL.COM



That is NOT true. I've waited now for 7 days and still my phone memory is taken up by my "un-downloaded" music. If I try to download any of the same music again , it uses additional memory on top of what already has been taken up !!

looks like I will have to delete the app completely to clear my memory. 


Come on Spotify. Wake up. Fix this. 

Again my phone memory is full even if I delete many albums. Again I must delete every music I have and re download them again because Spotify can't make cached music to be removed. So baaad

spotify broken in android, they dont do any thing to fix these issues, they only care about iPhone app 

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