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Spotify Connect, no devices appear

Spotify Connect, no devices appear

For a few months now, I'm generally not able to see any of my local speakers and speaker groups in Spotify. I have 6 speakers in my home (all Google devices) and several speaker groups. Usually, when I go to Connect, the device list is empty, as in the screenshot. Sometimes one device might appear. Sometimes several. Not a lot of consistency. I can use Assistant to tell Google to play something via a device on Spotify and that works, but I can't do it through the Spotify app. Help! This is what I use Spotify for 90% of the time and it just doesn't work. I'm able to see the devices just fine in YouTube Music. 




Premium family 




Samsung S24 Ultra

Operating System

Android 14

2 Replies

Hey @erikapuku,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community about this.


This type of case is commonly related to some damaged cache stored on your device that might be affecting the proper behavior of the app. So in this case, and if you haven't tried before, we'd recommend performing a clean reinstall of the app by following the steps in this article


Also, since this could also be related with the network connection, would you mind resetting your router or trying a different Wi-Fi with your devices to see if it makes any difference? If you don't have another Wi-Fi network available, you can use a mobile data hotspot to test it. 

Lastly, include in your next response the Spotify version you're currently running to continue investigating the case.

We'll be on the lookout. 

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This didn't work. Devices still appear and disappear at random. 

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