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Spotify on Galaxy S II

Spotify on Galaxy S II

I can only get the radio to work.  Can someone please help me??  I used the Spotify Premium 30 day trial and I would like to figure it out.  I love my Spotify online, I want it to travel with me on my phone.  Please someone help a girl out.

14 Replies

Do you have an Offline mode on Settings?

Yes, I have switched my offline setting to "ON"  still no dice. 😞

@bssrdrunr20 wrote:

I can only get the radio to work.  Can someone please help me??  I used the Spotify Premium 30 day trial and I would like to figure it out.  I love my Spotify online, I want it to travel with me on my phone.  Please someone help a girl out.

Hi there,


What is happening when you try and use the radio feature?


Please could you also ensure you have an active internet connection, thanks,



@bssrdrunr20 wrote:

Yes, I have switched my offline setting to "ON"  still no dice. 😞

This should be set to off to use the radio feature 🙂

Do you have Internet enabled (3G or Wifi)?


If so, try flight mode and then remvoe this to normal mode.


If no joy, check that you have service up and running in your Profile page (you should see Premium status). Also clean re-install of Spotify Mobile may help.

I can use the radio feature, just not access to my pre-existing playlists I have created on my computer.  They will not download to my app on my phone.

I CAN already use sthe radio feature, this is the only thing that works on my mobile spoitfy.

@bssrdrunr20 wrote:

I can use the radio feature, just not access to my pre-existing playlists I have created on my computer.  They will not download to my app on my phone.

Apologies, should have made sure I had read your OP correctly 🙂


What happens when you try to listen to a song? Please could you uninstall the app, and then install it again from Google Play, and see if that helps,



Hi there. Maybe we should get some things clear before jumping in and reinstalling everything!

You say you used the premium trial - are you sure you are still within the trial period? Did you supply credit card or other payment details ... if not then you would only have been eligible for a two day trial.

Are you in the USA? If so then you would be able to use the Radio feature as part of a free subscription so this would be no.proof that your Premium is actually working.

So ... check you actually have Premium.

Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

I put a valid credit card today and the offer is for 30 days.  My profile indicates that i am within my free trial.

@bssrdrunr20 wrote:

I put a valid credit card today and the offer is for 30 days.  My profile indicates that i am within my free trial.

That indicates you are safe for a complete reinstall 😉

I'd still want to verify the app thinks you have premium before just randomly reinstalling. If you try to play a track does it give you a message?
Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

When I get on my mobile app, the songs I have downloaded on my playlists from the computer are grayed out and no accessible.


When I try to play a song I get the following message.


"Sorry, can't play this track.

Spotify premium is required for on-demand mobile streaming.  It's free to stream on desktop."


Then I get the options Cancel or Get premium.


When I chose Get Premium, I am sent to my profile that states - You have an active Spotify Premium subscription.


I have uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times now.

Spotifystatus says there are issues signing in at the moment so it could be that. Try logging out and back in a couple of times though to see if that solves it
Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

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