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Suggested songs


Suggested songs



Im using spotify on my android phone and would like to know if there is any way of disabling these annoying suggested songs. I actually want the ability to choose the music I listen to and that is not possible when it keeps suggesting music i dont want to listen to. The problem is that it suggest 5-7 songs in a row and I always run out of skips before. So Spotify is dictating what i should listen to.


This morning I put on one song I wanted to listen to, but after ½ an hour I still hadnt had to oppotunity to listen to the song and was so close to uninstalling Spotify.

283 Replies

What would I change

In your profile you turn off the 'autoplay' notification.

Thanks heaps!! 😄

I have a paid subscription to Spotify Premium and still get the suggested songs automatically added to my playlists. Is there something I'm missing?

Where are you finding the autoplay option? I'm not seeing it in my settings tab.

Yes, this worked for me. Was alost a deal breaker that was going to make me cancel my subscription. Thanks

You go to settings and then to playback. Scroll down and there you find autoplay and turn it off 🙂

Right now I'm listening to Post Malone's Stoney, and I keep getting lots of suggested songs. The album has 18 songs. What can I do?

Go into your Library, Settings, scroll down until you see the Autoplay
feature, turn Autoplay off. This worked for me. Good luck!

I had that turned off, but I still got suggested songs

Then i don't know 😞 it works for me both on mobile and iPad..

Thanks anyway

Yes, I wondered if it was just my older phone malfunctioning. In the last hour and a half, Spotify has played songs on my Playlist twice. It almost completely useless now. All it really accomplishes is annoying me and wasting my time now. Too bad they ruined it.

I'm paying for premium. My question is how do I GET this feature of suggested songs from time to time? I notice it's on the regular, un-paid version, but I think if I'm paying for the service, I should be able to have all features. 

*I'm not talking about the suggested songs at the bottom of a playlist (which I happen to like), I'm just mentioning the songs that automatically come up when in shuffle. 

You could try playlist based radio.

Use the 7 day free trial to go into an album and there should be a sub menu somewhere that lets you disable recommended songs entirely

One user already suggested this, but if you go to Settings and turn off Autoplay, the suggested songs will stop 🙂

Go to settings --> Autoplay and turn it to off

Best solution stop using Spotify. If people do that and Spotify stops forcing music on you.

What about controlling your artist page .taking spotify 4 weeks for an email

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