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Unavailable Songs on mobile

Unavailable Songs on mobile

I have Spotify Prenium, I have make a playlist with musics in Spotify (in the software), and with musics which are on my computer (my own files mp3).

On my Android, I have the local files which are "unavailable", while I have previously make playlist prenium with local files to me and I could listen to them on my phone.

On computer, by the reader Spotify, there is no problem.

However, once, on a playlist, certain songs as I added directly since the musics on Spotify made me the same thing, but just some.

I need help and of explanations please ๐Ÿ™‚

4 Replies

Oh and now, some of my songs files are available, but not a lot o_o

Hey there. 


Just recently I've started having the same problem. My local files used to be playable in my Android spotify - but not anymore. More than half of my playlist shows "Song unavailable" when I tap on them. 


Every single track plays just fine through the native OSX and Windows apps. They won't play through the web player either.


Has anyone found the same?


I have the samw problem with my songs being unaavailable on my phone app/device only.... is there a solution ??? .... 

The only solution I've found is uninstalling then reinstalling the app. 

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