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application expanding

application expanding

Why when I download to my samsung s4 sd card does the application get used up, I can see my sd card being used and the app memory is nearly full, so I have 4Gb used on the sd and 4Gb of memory off my phone and now just had to delete cache and re download all my music WHY!!!!!!!
5 Replies

Try a clean install as detailed in my signature. Should help

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

Thanks Daniel I have tried that, it would appear that what I download is being saved in 2 places

Is it still doing it? It should only be downloading to one location.

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

Yep still doing it, my sd card is being used up and so is the Internal memory on my phone, very frustrating

Can you tray another clean install using the guide in my signature and make sure to format your SD Card. On installing the app & logging on try setting the download quality to 'Extreme'/


I'm confused. The steps detailed above normally resolve these sorts of issues.

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

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