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no sd card

no sd card

I recently got a new phone and I don't have an SD card and when I try and run spotify it says it can't because of this. I've reinstalled multiple times and even done a reset and it still doesn't work
3 Replies

Hi there,

Welcome at the Spotify Community! 


As Spotify saves lots of data (most of times music for offline use) an SD-card is recommend. 

Unfortunately I don't know if there's an workaround to ignore that error.


The best thing I can say is; consider an SD-card to enjoy from all the Spotify features.

SD/Micro SD cards are really cheap. I got a 32 GB one by SanDisk for my phone and it only costed me £15 (about $22). 

JOEBOT, lovingly handmade by MattSuda - I'm not the only sexy rock star, there are plenty of others that are happy to help you out. Just look for the star by their name.
I AM NOT AN EMPLOYEE OF SPOTIFY AB. I am just a thirteen year old child trying to help out. I am not paid to help or say any views of Spotify AB or any of it's affiliates, so the least that you could do is share some kudos, or, if I helped you out, mark my post as a solution. It makes me all fuzzy inside

As mentioned, you can either get an SD Card if your phone supports or sounds like you need to free up some rfoom on your internal memory.


Try clearing some caches, transferring pictures & mp3's etc off your phone.

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     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

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