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Spotify Hunter + Make Private Profile


Spotify Hunter + Make Private Profile

Dear Spotify,

I really need your help to get rid of a stalker on Spotify. This one person keeps making multiple accounts of me and I have unfollowed everyone of my friends on Spotify because of this. They just keep making new accounts of me and following me. This has been on going for 2 months now and I repeatedly emails Spotify and didn't get much other than to logout of account from all devices and make playlist private.

I didn't want my account playlist public, but it keeps saying that people who see it can save it to their profile. I don't like the idea of having them be able to see it and then seeing that they save my playlist on theirs when it's my hard work of finding those songs for myself. Please remove people from being able to see my profile that's not my friends or make an option for that.

I worked so hard to customize my profile to how I liked for many months and now it's really getting annoying when I'm also constantly given the "Policy Report Notification" for all my playlists like every single week.

I use a premium family plan too. I expect that you guys can help me with this because it's getting annoying being sent these emails every single time and having to change my username, photos for every single playlist, names of every playlist for every single day because it refreshes everything for me. 

Please keep this in mind that although it's good to make it public for friends other people shouldn't be able to follow and we should have the option to make account profiles private.

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