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[Subscription] Teacher Discount

It would be great if Spotify offered a teacher discount for Spotify Premium.  Increasingly I am using Spotify in my classroom, but it is frustrating to have to constantly monitor it and jolt across the classroom to mute the ads.  I am happy to support the artists I listen to by paying for Spotify Premium, except that with ever more budget constraints, especially to arts programs, it is not feasible to shell out $120/yr from the school's or my own personal budget.  I believe that if a teacher discount was offered, we would also be able to promote the use of Spotify with our own students thereby increasing Spotify's users.

Updated on 2023-03-30

Hey everyone,


It seems that this idea ended up in the wrong board accidentally, so we're bringing it back.


We're keeping the previous Case Closed status, as we don't have any immediate plans to implement this. As soon as we have any new information to share, rest assured we'll check back in here.


Take care.


I started using spotify on the begining, when all was free, with ads, but free. I was stuying on high school at that moment and it was really helpful to study.

Then payment came, and as one of the first X users we could keep the same deal. And I though it was a really great gesture from Spotify to do that.

Then that got broken. I was starting college and 20h lasted less than a week and I could not afford it so I can of drop it for a while.
Finally I graduated and got a job and payed my premium fee happily.

And now with not such a good payed job, but still liking it, I saw the family option (but I live alone) and the student option (but I don't study on college anymore) and I thinkk there is a gap which needs filling.


I would like ot use it with my students, so maybe a specific agreement would be great for that, for schools or for teachers, to aproach students to music and to spotify as a new an modern way to get to the music, not just youtube. I especially like that you put "explicit" on some song I don't suggest them to the students.


Anyway I'll be specting for news in this topic.


Thanks a lot and sorry for all the text.


"You may only make personal, non-commercial, entertainment use of the content and, in signing up for an account, you have agreed and undertaken that you are using the content only in this manner." 


I don't understand, teachers could not profit off Spotify. It's simply a tool to be used in the classroom. I'd say teachers using Spotify in their classrooms would fit the criteria of personal, non-commercial, entertainment use.


I'm extremely disappointed that Spotify offers discounts to students but not teachers. It seems like this response was manufactured by lawyers to dismiss the suggestion. I really hoped to see a reasonable explanation here for why teacher discounts are not offered but of course I am disappointed again.  Maybe next month I'll make the switch to a music streaming sites WITH teacher discounts, which is a shame because I would love to stick with Spotify. Just not at double the cost of other sites. 


Hi Spotify,

I've been a committed customer since I was in college, starting in 2012 I believe. I am currently a high school math teacher and I have been hoping and waiting for the student discount to apply to me. Is there any way teachers could also use your services at the student rate? Or would you consider a teacher rate? Our budgets are tight and Spotify is something I don't want to have to give up. We get discounts on working out, and other well being. I consider music to be part of my well being and we teachers need it! 


Thanks form a loyal customer,



Please reward teachers.

They have a tough job, and every little bit helps. 20% maybe? 


Could you please let me know if you end up adding a teacher discount?





There are numerous articles showing how appropriate music can help students learn. As a **bleep** educator I have seen this first hand. I understand the policy about not being used in public, but in a classroom, helping children learn is completely different. I would hope that your underwriters, lawyers, producers, etc.  will take that into consideration.  Spotify is the prefect platform for a teacher to pipe music into their classroom.

Regarding how do you confirm the teacher status. In the states all teachers must have a state issued license with, if relevant, an expiration date. You could require that those are submitted as proof and only as long the license is good for.

Btw, I couldn’t vote, it this issue closed?



Bill Capehart, M.Ed.
Christian, **bleep** Educator
Faith International Academy
Davao City, PI



As a student, I can tell you that this would be a MASSIVE hit in schools. Even better is a district wide plan so every teacher can get a discount on premium. My history teacher loves playing music related to our lesson (Like ancient Japan) and so she finds music off iTunes and plays it. Almost everytime it takes like 5 minutes to load and you have to get up to change the song. Almost every teacher says they would get premium for the class if it was cheaper. Also, the students get the exposure of what Premium is and the benefits of it for them to enjoy as well. I feel like this move could increase the Premium users and might appeal to the teachers and the younger students.


Seria muito bom se voces tambem oferecessem desconto para professores.  Cinemas, teatros, shows e etc oferecem meia-entrada para a gente. Se voces nos dessem descontos, poderiamos levar o Spotify para as salas de aula. (usariamos ColdPlay nas aulas de ingles, Caetano Veloso em Lingua Portuguesa, Racionais em Sociologia, Chico Buarque em Historia, etc. ...e Spotify estaria sempre presente.
Obrigado  🙂 


As an editor for a university's academic catalog, Spotify is a must for me. It keeps me from falling asleep while auditing 40+ page policies about blah blah blabbity blah. That being said, I am tired of listening to Reba talk about Smoky Mountain BBQ! If the student discount applied to staff/faculty you'd bet I'd be the first to buy, but for now my broke a** will have to settle for the ads. Hopefully Spotify eventually does help us poor folks in ed. 😕


It would be wonderful for teachers to have a discount from Spotify.   The discount would show Spotify's appreciation for educators!