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Chris knight

Chris knight

Where did his song north dakota go? Bad **bleep** song i had on a playlist and now I can't find it even after searching.

9 Replies

And down the river?!?!?!?!

Same here man. I had every single one of his songs downloaded to a playlist. Now I only have access to about half of them. Heโ€™s an awesome artist. What the **bleep** spotify?? This is making me rethink my $15/month family plan. 

Spotify please bring back Chris Knight

There a lot of his best songs that are shown in the album but not playable. I don't think I've seen that before. I've seen whole artists disappear only to reappear but this sucks. I love some Chris Knight. 

bump... dont want, need chris knight

yep, been too long. Stop whatever it is and put his music back

Hey, @Justinking01, welcome to the Spotify Community.

Spotify wants all the worldโ€™s music on Spotify. However, sometimes tracks aren't available because agreements canโ€™t be reached with the artist or label (or song publisher), or a change may happen in music ownership. 


Since albums and artists are added to Spotify every day, the tracks in question may reappear in the future.


In the meantime, feel free to contact the artist or their label (or song publisher) to ask when they plan to be on Spotify. Thanks!

Itโ€™s all on amazon music for free if you have prime. Just download the app. 

yeah, that's the route I took. Spotify is doing this more and more where
they rip away the popular songs from artists. Thanks for the response.

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