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Print Library

Print Library

Can I print out a list of the albums, songs etc. from my Library (not my Playlist)? And can I organize it the way I can in Spotify, ie.., by album, song or artist?

3 Replies

I would also like to print a list of all the songs in my library can it be done

I do not believe this is possible with Spotify, or any music application for that matter. This is not a feature that is in high demand. But, as a collector, I can somewhat understand why you'd like to have it.


However, there is a work around for what you want to do. You'll have to install iTunes, and import your entire library in to iTunes. Once this is complete, you can EXPORT your library as an XML file, then IMPORT the file in to EXCEL, and manipulate your data. Just giving you fair warning, it is no easy task, because iTunes puts a lot of extraneous information into the XML file, and you'll have to clean it up first before you do anything..

There also exist an old DOS command that you can use to print your file directory. It should still work in Windows XP and up...


dir > print.txt.


I forgot the command for subdirectories though.. You can search that on the net, it's easy enough.. Again, you'll still have to clean up the file once you've printed it.

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