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Remove Joe Rogan podcast as suggestion

Remove Joe Rogan podcast as suggestion

How do I remove Joe Rogan as a suggested podcast? Or other "shows to try"? And I would like an actual answer, not the canned "we're always adding new features for you to try" BS answers that plague the help section. If you're trying to force us to see/view that program, just tell us that. Don't pretend it's a feature. It isn't. 

50 Replies

Get this Joe R. **bleep** off my top row of suggestions. I wouldn't listen to that **bleep** if you paid me $1000, now his show stares out at me every time I boot up CarPlay. What a wonderful thing, to have kids in the car and see nothing but Joe R. podcasts with the 'explicit language' mark front and center on the screen. Guess what app isn't getting played in the car anymore.

If we are not allowed to block Joe Rogan's hateful rhetoric from Spotify, I suggest we organize a mass exodus from**bleep** service. 

Yeah, this is awful. I use Spotify for listening to music. I don't know who Joe Rogan is. Hey Spotify, why not make your music player good before trying to branch out. Start with allowing us to reorder songs in a playlist.

The thing is, way back when, we could actually block songs and artists from suggested feeds. Somewhere along the way that was disabled and very indicative of management selling out to publishers instead of considering the wishes of subscribers. 

The fact that this has continued for this long when we know they have the system architecture to do it is proof that they have no intention of adding the feature. I'm going to cancel my account and I recommend other's do the same. Spotify has turned into the cable company from South Park. 

fjuck right off spotify for allowing douchey joe fascist

Thinking about cancelling because of this. Get this garbage off my front page.

I'm a right wing conservative that listens to podcast daily. I consider The Joe Rogan Podcast a virus. I wanted to see what it was about, listened and didn't care for it. Now it wont go away and every time I move him further down the list he pops back up top. Douch move if you ask me. I guess you get your clicks however you can. 

If this is not removed, I am cancelling my account. Nothing turns me off music faster than politics; and I see no need to sponsor spotify to pay this guy instead of the artists I want to listen to. If this is not remedied, I'll just go back to my old methods; as you're not supporting artists anyway.

Rogan auto plays because it’s ‘recommended for me’ even though I don’t listen to anything remotely similar, and every time I switch it off. Like hundreds of times now. How many times I have to do this before you stop pushing it at me? I know you paid him a lot of money but this is the wrong way to justify it to yourselves my god. What are you trying to fake boost his viewing stats or what? And why? So you can pretend you got a great deal for his content? Why not push Archetypes on me as well that was money for nothing too and also vacuous nonsense? It’s not just that Rogan is hateful - he is also dumb as a rock my dog says smarter things - like woof. I only use Spotify for handful of things I can’t get elsewhere and that’s it, I’m sure others do the same. Stop coercing people it makes no commercial sense as they’ll ditch you at the soonest opportunity.

It’s the first result no matter what I search for.  I’m getting rid of Spotify. How is your company so bad 

I second this. I hate the show but it keeps coming up. 

It’s not related to anything I listen to. He’s an **bleep** and every time I get on my Spotify home screen his dumb podcast shows up. 

I don’t want to be listen to it. Please take it off. I listen  to physics podcasts and podcasts of adventurers and Bloomberg. JRE is not something I’ll ever be interested in and I can’t stop seeing that dumb icon. 

I swear this is going to be the straw that’ll make me switch to Apple Music.  

Still here waiting in mid 2024, this isnt about podcast recommendations its about not shoving that racist piece of human trash Joe Rogan out of my **bleep**ing face every time I open the app.

This serious bug still hasn't been fixed. I just opened Spotify and this racist and misogynist trash is showing up front and center on my page. Spotify should either add an option to blacklist specific option, or add algorithms to ensure that racist and misogynist content doesn't make it to the recommendations... or even better, remove racist and misogynist trash from their platform instead of supporting racism and misogyny.

Not my favorite option but we can rate the podcast.  It doesn’t allow you to unless you “listen” to a few. That’s when I found the “mark as finished option” and then gave it a 1 star rating.  So I’m probably going to pay for it with more idiotic suggestions but hopefully worth it if others follow suit.

Stop showing me Joe Rogan I'm never listening to that garbage 

Found this thread trying to hide that garbage podcast from my home page. Seriously, why is this STILL happening. Guess it's off to Apple Music then.

Seriously, this is enough to make me cancel Spotify to have the Joe Rogan podcast forced to the top of my home page. Joe Rogan sucks donkey balls.

His podcast funniest moments just started taking over my home screen last week and I cant get rid of it. I have never expressed interest with his stuff nor have I ever searched for it and blammo eat some Joe Rogan. It's pushed the stuff I actually pay to listen to off the screen. I've about had it with this stuff.

Just do it, f1-vti_x4rsne. You won't miss Spotify in the slightest. I took Spotify completely off my CarPlay and stopped listening to it for any of my podcasts. Made no difference to my life whatsoever except now I don't get pi**ed off every time I turn on my car. Nobody from the company is even looking at these posts. They. Don't. Care. Spotify literally does not care about anything except getting their grubby hands on your dollars. Don't give them the satisfaction. Cancel and use something better.

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